* IMAGE:Catalog Cover * Welcome to Cutting to the Essence, Shaping for the Fire, an experimental on-line catalog of an exhibit first presented at the Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences in Peoria, Illinois in 1994.

We present the catalog in three sections:

At the bottom of each page you will find navigational buttons and text to help you investigate and move between the three parts of the site. Cutting to the Essence and Shaping for the Fire are each a series of several pages which you can move through simply by clicking the MORE button at the bottom of each page of the Yoruba or Akan sections. The Doorway section, however, is the section in which we not only introduce the exhibit and ourselves, but also give you easy access to the scaffolding beneath the exhibit-essays, and is thus not sequential. So at the bottom of pages in that section, in addition to the buttons that will enable you to move to the Yoruba or Akan material, you will see the entire contents of Doorway section, just as you see below in the Peer Beyond the Doorway list. Finally, with few exceptions (notably in the Introductory Essay and the Akan Goldweights and Proverbs pages), the photos and diagrams you will find here are links to their corresponding catalogue entry, making it easy for you to read a brief description of each piece.

Whether you have come here by chance or at the request of your instructor, we welcome you to the exhibit. We extend special greetings to students of Professor Miranda Marvin of Wellesley and to those of Professor Charles Davis of Mississippi Valley State University. We have been developing a page on teaching resources for those interested in incorporating this site or other WWW materials into their courses, and encourage your feedback. Feel free to comment on your experience and impressions. Thank you for visiting!

Note: You will be best able to view the images in relation to the text if you are using Netscape.
Peer Beyond the Doorway: Acknowledgements * Introductory Essay * Behind the Exhibit (Biographical Info) * Bibliography * Catalogue of the Exhibition and Context Photos and Diagrams * Links to Exhibits Elsewhere * Technical Notes * Comment Form *

Cutting to the Essence: href="/view-hotwired_n/http://www.hotwired.com/worldsurf/index.htm">History * The Gods * The Kings * The God- King, Sango * Man and the Gods * Shaping: The Blacksmith * Cutting: The Woodcarver

Shaping for the Fire: Akan and Asante History and the Gold Trade * Gold- Handling Equipment * Goldweights: Lost-Wax Casting, Weight System, Designs, and Symbolism * Akan Goldweights and Proverbs

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Last updated 15 September 1995.