hide random home http://www.redcourt.demon.co.uk/J.htm (Internet on a CD, 07/1998)


In the scene when Jack is playing basketball with his friends, he has on a clearly PINK shirt. But afterwards, when he is lying to the kids' mother about being a principle he is clearly wearing a RED shirt. He is not in shadow.

When Jack is in his new classroom for the first time, he sits at a metal desk. He falls with the desk when he tries to reach his book bag, which is sitting next to a broken wooden desk. Next, he sits in the same - miraculously whole - wooden desk, then proceeds to break it to smithereens.

The Jackal

At the marina, around the time the kids burn the firecrackers, the Russian Major is smoking a cigarette. In one shot it's slightly bent, then in the next it's straight.

On the ferry boat ride, which should have been from Canada to the United States, they were aboard a North Carolina ferry... The North Carolina flag was flapping in the wind next to the US flag. There was a closeup, and you could even see the name of the boat, which is named after a North Carolina Governor.

When Bruce Willis is driving his car to the abandoned warehouse to get the "gun" to commit the assassination on the first lady, the vehicle does not have a license plate... You can see that it is missing, plain as day... In the next scene, he pulls a switch, removing a once non-existant plate and replacing it with another.

Jacob's Ladder

In the opening scene we are told that we are looking at the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. A few moments later, a soldier appears wearing a 1st Division patch on his shoulder. The 1st Division was never in the Delta (they were in the Northern Highlands).

Jagged Edge

Glen Close changes outfits four times in the same courtroom scene. This trial was supposed to be on the same day.


When the girl is being attacked, she seems to do an incredible job of acting in pain. The thing is, she is not acting. The scene was done with divers under the water pulling the actress with ropes. They pulled the girl so hard that she broke several ribs.

People don't usually go to the ocean in the winter, but in Jaws, you will notice that everyone is in their swimsuits and bikinis at the beach, in the water, yet there are no leaves on the trees. The only reason that would be is if it was winter time.

Richard Dreyfus is driving the boat then playing cards then driving again.

There is a scene where Chief Brody is standing on the boat almost ankle deep in water with a pump in his hand. He throws down the pump and is about to climb up the ladder when (we presume) the shark hits the boat making it list to the right. When they show this scene again, not only is there no water in the boat, the deck is dry.

Chief Brody is at the wheel of the boat and Hooper and Quint are trying to fix the engine. Brody can only turn the wheel (in his words) about 3 inches. Just then some of the yellow barrels surface and they stop what they're doing to start the boat to chase the shark. The boat steers fine.

When the shark is somehow attached to some rope, Brody & Hooper tie the rope to the stern cleats, causing the boat to be dragged backwards. Quint gets a machete to cut the rope to limit the boat's damage. At this point the sea is somewhat choppy. He throws the machete making it stick into the edge of the boat. The sea in the background is completely calm.

Jerry Maguire

Jerry receives a fax containing Ray's contract. Everyone is angry at how small a salary it is, but Frances gives Jerry a lecture, and everything works out. When Frances is talking, you can see the hands of one of the crew members in the glass of a poster in the background.

In the beginning when Jerry shows up to have a meeting with Marcy (Tidwell's wife) the secretary states that she is late for her plane back to Arizona. SMI sports management is in California. The meeting finishes and he goes out to lunch and gets fired, it takes about 5 minutes, max. He goes back to the office and starts calling all his clients, when he gets ahold of Tidwell, Marcy is standing in the kitchen with Tidwell. How did she get back to Arizona so quickly?

In the play before the final touchdown play, the announcer says it's now second and whatever, but the down marker in the background is set to first down.

When Tidwell gets the wind knocked out of him at the Christmas Eve game, and he is lying in the end zone, he is clutching the ball to his chest. When the camera pans out to a distance shot, his arm is outstretched and the ball is lying off to the side. When the camera comes back in for a close up, it is clutched to his chest again.

In the scene when he arrives at the top star's house to make sure he's still staying with him, he arrives in a eagle vision car, but later leaves in a Pontiac grand prix.

When Jerry comes out of his office with all his stuff he has a leather bag over his shoulder and he is carrying a box. He puts the box down and makes his speech and takes the fish and then leaves with Dorothy but he never gets the box back from where he set it down.

When Jerry's at Dorothy's house, Dorothy and her sister bump into each other and Dorothy gets pizza on her shirt. When she's changing, there's a shot of her sister handing her the black top, then about a second later it cuts to a shot of Dorothy with the top on, fishing her hair out from the collar - how did she get it on so fast?

When he gets a punch in the eye and has a scar from it, Dorothy puts something  on it, but the next day he has no scar.


When Garrison and "X" (Donald Sutherland) meet in Washington, they are sitting on a park bench discussing why Kennedy was assassinated. Kevin Costner clearly says, "Now, Don, I can't believe they killed him because he wanted to change things" - even though X wouldn't give a name, and the close captioning says "Now, I don't, I can't believe..."

Right after the scene where Kevin Costner leaves his meeting with Donald Sutherland in Washington he returns home. A news bulletin comes on the TV featuring scenes of the now famous Zapruder film. However at the end of the movie, during his closing comments at the court case, Costner informs us that the film has never been released to the public. Funny how NBC has a copy.

Joe vs. the Volcano

Not all goofs, but a couple of observations:

The entire story is on the desk lamp at the beginning of the story.
The lightning bolt is at every important change in the plot of the story.
Tom gets sun burnt and yet in the next scene he does not even have a tan.
The side of Joe's safari hat that is buttoned up changes over breakfast.
Going to shop for travel clothes, the car stops on a very green section of the highway they were trvelling on.
Just as they pan to the two on the luggage raft at the end of the film, Tom is relieving himself over the side.

Judge Dredd

Some perps involved in a block war kill a Street Judge, so Dredd sentences the perp who did it to death. In the comic books, the Judges are not executioners. They sentence the crooks to do time in jail.

Criminal Judges were not sent to prisons on Earth. They were sent to a special prison on Jupiter. Rico should have been on Jupiter at that time.


At one point water rushes through the house, ripping the entire front of the house off. A few minutes later, the aunt runs up to the front of the house and tries to open the front door.

When Robin Williams and the cop are driving to the store in the cop car after the windshield was broken, neither of their hair is messed up and they can see clearly.

When Alan traps the lion in the aunt's room it claws the door. A few seconds later the door doesn't have a single chip of wood.

When they are playing chess, at one moment the pieces are on the board. In the next camera shot the pieces are gone and they are not on the floor or anywhere.

In the scene where the cop's driving to the house and he stops to offer the kids' aunt a ride home, the licence plate on the cop's car is unusual. On government vehicles in the U.S., there's usually a E with a sort of octagon around it at the beginning of the licence number. The car he was driving didn't have the symbol showing it was government property on it.

In the scene where Robin Williams had just shaved, he walked out of the bathroom door with tiny pieces of toilet paper all over his face because he hadn't shaved in such a long time. In the next shot, when he is at the refrigerator, there's no trace of paper on his face.

Jungle 2 Jungle

Mimisiku says "hoko" while pointing to a maccaw. Tim Allen mistakes this as a bird, but Mimi corrects him and says "...hoko is toucan".

In the begining of the movie, Mimisiku puts his hand on a burning hot coal to show that he is a man. He keeps it there for about 5 seconds and then takes it off. A burn like that should at least leave a scar or something but in the rest of the movie, his hand is fine and there is no burn.

Jurassic Park

Jury Duty

Towards the end, when Frank is about to kill the tied up Pauly Shore and Tia Carrera, he has a plastic glove on when his hand is raising the knife. When he drops his hand to his side and you get a different camera angle, he is not wearing the glove anymore.

Updated 29/5/98 by JWES