hide random home http://www.smhi.se/sgmain/ecam/accom.htm (Internet on a CD, 07/1998)

BL00014A.gif (2115 bytes)A number of hotels at different price levels and at convenient distances from the Conference building will be suggested in the second announcement.

Travel information
Participants may reach Norrköping via the international airport. There are five flights per day from Copenhagen. Participants arriving at Arlanda airport (Stockholm) may also take the domestic flight to Norrköping or the fast train connection from Stockholm Central Railway Station. Allow three to four hours for the travel from Arlanda airport via Stockholm with train to Norrköping.

Updated 1998-04-20

Further information

Contact: Conference Bureau
Destination Norrköping
E-mail: ecam@destination.norrkoping.se
fax.gif (252 bytes) Fax: 46-11-15 50 75
Phone: 46-11-15 50 20

© SMHI, 1998