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The El­Dorado

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The book of Raymond Bernard "The Big Unknown", depicted a inside world to the planet Earth...

After the well note experience lived from the american Rear­Admiral Richard E. Byrd, which penetrated in the openings of the poles, many writers and specialized researchers proposed, to those that desired know more on this alluring experience of the Rear­Admiral R. E. Byrd, a series of forecasts on the real existence of a superior subterranean civilization scientifically, socially and economically very evolved, more evolved, than that live, on the terrestrial surface.
To this point, anything to repeat, anything to contest.
Real, certain and real it is, that under the crust of the planet two big continents exist: "Agartha" and "El­Dorado".
The principal entrance of the continent "Agartha" it locate the pole North while that of the continent "El­Dorado" it locate the pole South.
Both the continents are intercommunicate across tunnel subterranean runs from means scientifically and perfect technology.
It is not exact when it is assert that these subterranean inhabitants are only of the terrestrial survivors of the MU continent and of the Atlantide continent. It is real, instead, that a multitudinous colony exists supported and educated from beings coming from other constellations and carrying dimensional different characteristics from those until to today known.
The miraculous means that this colony possesses, both in aerospace field, and on that technical­scientific, regarding the magnetic energy and what more the colony exploits for a healthy, flourishing and happy existence, It have been given from the "Engineers of the Astral Genetics", from the sons of the Imponderable, creators of the form and of the substance, from those that have done the man to their image and similarity.
The flying disks magnetic are not fruit of the engineering of the Atlantidei or of other communion earthlings.
The superior ability psychic­physical that these subterranean colonists possess, are the fruit of the teachings gotten from the astral.
It is true also that for these characters from the abilities multi­dimensions and mutants, doesn't exist time­space and they don't exist difficulty of kind for move, istantaneously, from a point to the other of the Universe. Are these Lords that guardian that covert Heaven never forlorn. Are these Lords that would can from a moment to the other, decide the "Renovatio" and bring again the covert Heaven in surface, with all that it contains.

Time ago you spoke about a material jewel not known to the inhabitants of the terrestrial surface.
Could you illustrate some its characteristics? Does it come used also in the El­Dorado?

It is called "Diamantite" most diffuse raw material the Extraterrestrials use for the construction of buildings and of means of transport.
The use of this materia, beyond to beneficent being, it possesses characteristics of exceptional security and of marvellous ability cosmos­dynamics. The spatial islands are, in large part, build with this extraordinary crystal carrying capacity of cohesion modifiable and dynamisms of exceptional power.
The process to produce this prestigious material it is not as different from that produce, naturally, the diamond. The substantial difference is in the fact that the Diamantite possesses dynamisms distinctive and such from assure specific spatial and dimensional demands. The buildings of the "El­Dorado" have built with this material peculiar and not only the buildings. Anybody has taught to the just of this world like produce it and use it? We of this will speak any in succession.

Here wants you to speak a few of the mythical El­Dorado? Who are the Extraterrestrials that live in the middle of to us?

El­Dorado, also remaining until to today the mirage and the dream unsatisfied of many explorers, it is not kind from the fervent imagination of any dreamer, it is not fruit of imagination, it is not legend not symbolism: El­Dorado exists really, which fantasitic subterranean city, forged in gold pure, built still much time before the disappearance of Atlantide, before still that the inhabitants of that continent degenerate using science and means gotten from the Inter­galaxy Confederates, Lords of the Light, from the characteristics multi­dimensions.
Their operational base located in the island of Poseidonia to the purpose of educate the Atlantidi on the Cosmic Law and of realize the ideal presuppositions to the purpose of insert the planet Earth in the Confederation.
Their progressional degeneration prevented such plan.
Some realized Atlantidi, not contaminated from the degeneration, they were, for their choice, destined to popular the ElĀ­Dorado. To other, not sufficiently fit, was given of emigrate, before one it audits the cataclysm, in East and in West (Central America, Oriental Africa, Egypt, Mesopotamia).
Currently, in the El­Dorado exist a fecund collaboration and an awful activity to purpose of save the planet from a nuclear catastrophe.
The "City of Gold" it is a part of that Terrestrial Paradise, other mythical place of biblical memory, forlorn from the humanity, and it has own life, independent from the life of surface, fed from the energy of a Sun central artful emanating gilded light; it locates in the heart of the planet, with a rich and luxuriant botany, with lakes and rivers of crystalline pure water, with tame animals and helpful, with snug buildings guardianed from fantastic structures of securety against contingent actions vandal of the earthlings, and educated from distinctive dynamisms.
But, El­Dorado is not totally isolated from the rest of the planet; she has numerous streets of communication, long and comfortable tunnel that consents to the sophisticated means, of which the City of Gold disposes, of achieve the surface.
The principal go out, the more you commonly use from his inhabitants for their missions, are the two Poles. Other secondary exits in many points of the Earth, between which most active are located in the Triangle of the Bermude and in the Titicaca Lake in Peru.
In the El­Dorado an able cosmo­port exists also ready to receive numerous boats spatial coming from the external spaces. Some explorers of our time, ventured in the immense expanses of ice of the Arctic and of the Antartico, to the search maybe of the focal point of the Poles, they narrated of be unbeaten in a population of giants and of be entered in rich zones of a luxuriant botany not certainly polar, illuminated gilded coming from a font of radiant light unknown and fondled from a clement climate of eternal spring.
Naturally their stories had taken for imaginations or hallucinations. But are not few the testimonies of some populations of the Arctic, which often narrate of see enormous spaceships go out and enter mysterious locations of which they don't find trace while the Peruvian populations of the zones Andean narrates of meet periodically, from immemorial time, with the Lords of the Light, of talk with them caling them Big Fathers, of get them like guests of respect and above all of know who they are and from where they come.
It has been spoken more and more times than men­gods, of descending of the races of the past, of instructors of the humanity present in unknown on the Earth. Thanks to the revelations of these special envoys, instructors of the world, we know that the people of El­Dorado is composed, for the most part, of earthlings carefully select, live in brotherly communion with inhabitants of other planets member of the departs of the confederation.
The coordinations of all the social structures have entrusted to scientists between which, is the eminent physical Ettore Majorana and other his colleagues, disappeared mysteriously from the surface of the Earth.
With them other scientists of the confederation operate, to which will have entrusted the assignment, a tomorrow, of direct and hold up the scientific evolution of the planet.
The people of the "City of Gold", beyond to enjoy of the unconditional liberty of exceed time­space, enjoys also of the privilege of bequeath a distinctive genetic code (GNA) to the unborn child, which preserve the incorruptibility.
In exceptional cases, or when definite program it they demand, some of them could come in surface, being confused unrecognizable with the men of the Earth, live their manners, choose a woman garbled before and particularly prearranged, and fecundate it to purpose of enter in the surrounding carrying beings their developmental genetics.
Such process happens in cycles particularly important that concern the evolution of the humanity, and this fertilization is by now in action from different years. In this foreshortening of century have been effect many genetic handlings of notable interest in some unborn child. But of this matter for now I prefer don't speak. I can but tell that there are rights interventions and indirect interventions; the first are effected interventions directly from the people of El­Dorado, the others are interventions effected through subjects male fit earthlings to bequeath the pip of the superior genetics. The indirect interventions, but they could abort. The regents of cosmic work are the Elohim, powers creating of form and substance, masters of the light and carriers of the Onni­creating Intelligence. Are these Archetypes the guides of the Inter­galaxy confederation. Their nature is astral and possesses ability multi­dimensions. They live in the luminaries, but one wants, they could get a physical body that, like told already, they are creators of form and substance.
In the City of Gold doesn't exist temples or church, there are not ceremonies or worship, because the law, the religion of the people of El­Dorado is: "THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF" the justice, the peace, the love, the brotherhood is in the heart of each inhabitant.
El­Dorado, in a future by now next, will resurface from the heart of the planet for receive the new people and the new civilization, while the earths of the actual "civilization" earthling will know the depths of the abysses in the cyclic alternate of the law of flow and reflux, which purification and "renovatio" of each thing.

Did Dante Alighieri, Giulio Verne, know the two big continents "Agartha" and "El­Dorado"?

They are not the only characters to testify, in different ways, the existence of these continents undeground illuminated from one wonderful gilded Sun.
The last to give the proof it has been the Rear­Admiral R. E. Byrd that with his airplane was forwarded for well 1700 miles inside the hollow space of the planet.
Many other characters have been visitors of this marvelous kingdom and have told the history of it, keeping the secret required.
Certain is that the power of this kingdom is sacred, guardianed from a science and from a technique that overcomes each imagination, each fantastic concept.
Giulio Verne must have derived from that it was to him known in the field technical­scientific, while Dante Alighieri, with his poem "Divine Comedy" [Italian edition] , he wanted to mean places and destiny of the wise spirits and of those perverse. Places of purification, places of beatitude of the deathless intelligent soul of the world. There is much, so much to tell.
For now stop us here.

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