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The new GNA genetics

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Have returned the Teachers of the Cosmic Genetics?

Certainly it is that anything in the human kind doesn't function more well. Was that anticipated?
The new GNA genetics had been anticipated so much time ago. The predisposition has remained to the state potential, also if it has been tried in some earthlings with excellent results.
The criticism actual situation, re­propose this new genetic graft that would should re­qualify the man for render him fit to enter contact with the superior averages frequencies, with the consequent abandonment of those low.
This new graft would propose to the human kind a developmental bounce and a better dynamics psychic­phsysical­spiritual, and an able conscience of free it from the actual retrogressive frequencies emergent from the its aboriginal animal nature.

Do the Sons of the Soaring Lord of the Heaven and the Earth have returned?

The Sons of God have also returned for this specific assignment, inserted in the vast program of renewal in course of realization.

It is in crisis the original graft that has rendered the man to image and similarity of God?

Remained latent the influence of the 144.000 Mutants "The Sons of God are been in love of the Daughters of the men and they have...! " Now has come the time of resuscitate the new man, the man of the Promised Kingdom.
Some has already resuscitated and carrying the new genetics.

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