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The astronaut GORDON COOPER

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[G. Cooper]

Borne to Shawnee in the Oklahoma (USA) in the 1927.
Official of the USAF, in the May 1963, at board of a spatial capsule "Mercury" denominated "Faith 7" performed twenty­two orbits around the Earth.
Launched May 17 from the base of Cape Kennedy, he lit on sea to south of the Midway islands to the hours 0,24 of the May 18, after a sojourn in the space of 34h 19min. 49sec..
From the 21 to August 29, 1965 he has also participated, with C. Conrad, to the flight of the "Gemini 5" finishing 127 orbits.
In the years '50 has seen the UFO in Germany; he is convicted that they belong to an more evolved civilization than the our.

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