Dvorak Order Form

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*Only one $2 shipping charge required per order, no matter how many books you buy (U.S./Canada only). Outside North America, shipping is $8 per book set for surface, $20 for airmail. International shipping for The Dvorak Keyboard alone is $3 for surface, $6 for airmail.

__ New! Just re-typeset! Copies of the U.S. Navy's famous report on the effectiveness of retraining typists to Dvorak, A Practical Experiment in Simplified Keyboard Retraining. Completed in 1944, it is a detailed scientific experiment on the Dvorak, complete and objective with very positive results. Our version includes A Comparison of Typist Improvement from Training on the Standard Keyboard and Retraining on the Simplified Keyboard, a supplement to the earlier report. These reports are very difficult to find, but we have them together for only $8.00 postpaid!

__ A copy of our database of Dvorak keyboard-related articles in the popular literature. More than 125 references, dating back to the 1930s. All are confirmed "good" articles -- we have a copy of each in our files. $10.00 postpaid.

__ A printout of more than 4800 words that can be typed on Dvorak's home row. 7 pages, $5.00 postpaid.

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