100% COMIX

This page contains a co-mixture of words and images , CURRENTLY UNDERGOING KLUTZY PROLONGED CONSTRUCTION ,what they form together and how they are read are to be determined by your own personal PsychoAnihilist....

Issue #1 Featuring Professor HAM

Issue #2 ...More of the HAM

Issue#3...All My Tattoos Are In My Head

Issue#4 BEHOLD!The Industrial Wastoid !

All Images and Whotnot are Copyright(C)1966to1998 by Mark Petlock .No image or piece of whotnot may be reproduced without permission , anything you do or say can and will be used against you in a court of law I now pronounce you Man and Wife...

My One Whole Link to the Outside World is...


Email: mozik@shinbiro.com
This CARTOONISTS RING site is owned by Mark Petlock.

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