Meester Grapefly

the grapewire december

December 1997


glinggloWell GlingGló is new and not new! Today it is new as it is now available again, and it was new when it was released some years ago by Björk and Tríó Guðmundar Ingólfssonar.  Some dodgy copies have been floating about, so it is about time we had the real thing again available through the TeePee.


Björk has been taken ill, forcing her to cancel several appearances. Read the press statement.

Rumour had it that Bachelorette was to be released as a 2-CD single plus video box set, but of course, that was totally untrue. The truth was that Bachelorette was released as a 3-CD box set with video on December the 8th.

The single Bachelorette was released on Dec 1st. Read all about the music, the video and the artwork. Check out the tracks and get it, if you want to.

tshirts_app.JPG (12171 bytes)Some groovy looking people have been seen around, especially on the European continent. This is partly due to the new wearables., which you can now get through the usual retail therapy at the TeePee.


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