After Smalls hits his home run one of the kids throws his glove behind him when he is
trying to take it off and a kid behind
him catches with a surprised look on his face. You may have to slow the film down to see
The Santa Clause
When Tim Allen first puts on the Santa suit, and goes into the house where the little girl
is laying on the couch waiting for him, they talk. She has her two front teeth missing.
The next year when he is really Santa, he goes back to her house, and she is waiting on
the couch for him again, she still has the same two front teeth missing.
Saturday Night Fever
In the end scene when Tony comes to Stephanie's house to apologise, you can see the microphone coming down from the ceiling.
In the beginning, Travolta is walking down the street with a paint can. It's a sunny day. He then looks to cross the street, crosses and now the streets are wet with rain.
Travolta's friends pick him up with the car to go to 2000 odyssey. The roads are wet. When they reach the end of the block the roads are dry.
Scent of a Woman
In the scene where Charlie and Colonel meet, the level of whiskey in the glass held by Al Pacino goes down and then up again.
Scrooge (1958)
On Christmas morning he starts to jump around saying the spirits did their work in one night. He looks into the mirror to see if he is still alive And if you look close, you can see a production person caught by the camera. This happens whenever he looks into the mirror.
Sea of Love
In one scene as Al Pacino is getting out of bed, he is shown putting on his underwear. But as he gets up to pull them all the way up, you can tell that he already had them on before he got out of bed. You see the elastic band.
Secrets and Lies
In the scene where the former owner of the studio is asking for money, the boom mike is clearly visible throughout the entire scene above the heads of the two actors.
Secret of my success
When Michael J. Fox arrives at Auntie Vera's house and she is trying to seduce him, she gives him a whisky and he throws it away leaving an empty glass. Next scene the glass is half full again.
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
There is a scene with Richard Pryor crouched in a corner being shot at by bad guys. A statue behind him is hit and shattered. In the next shot, it's standing there like nothing ever happened.
Set it Off
I guess Jada Pinkett had the same hairstylist for this movie as she did for "The Nutty Professor". When she goes to visit Blair Underwood at his home you can clearly see that her braids are either latch hooked or just a wig.
Throughout the film, the guys dress like the weather's cold. (sweaters, jackets, trenchcoats) Later on, when they're out in the field, a character says that it's 7:00 and it's still sunny, like it's summer.
When Brad and Morgan are driving in the rain, it's raining a lot on one side of the car but it's barely sprinkling on the other side.
When they are in the car with heavy rain, you can see the pedestrians are NOT using umbrellas or wearing raincoats.
Sloth has three arms.
In the scene at the end, where they are taking Kevin Spacey to the desert in the car, when you see the back seat, there is a screen separating it from the front, but in another shot, there is no screen.
When Sommerset and Mills go to the safety house to show the lawyer's wife the pictures of the crime scene, Mills arrives there completely wet, but Sommerset is absolutely dry. Both of them got there walking.
The Seven Year Itch
When they are on the back porch, watch the Coke bottle. The level of the liquid in the
bottle goes down, then up, then down,
During the last flashback when everything that happened in the convenience store is finally shown, Joe gets shot through the chest and killed. Spab then suddenly pulls out an Uzi he didn't have before and starts firing at the bad guys.
Sgt. Bilko
The film takes place in Kansas but there are palm trees on the base. There are no palm trees in Kansas.
The Shadow
When Reinhardt Lane finishes talking to his daughter Margo on the telephone, Shiwan Khan's attempt to hang up the receiver misses - look at the far left side of the screen to see it.
Shatter Dead
In the first scene when the girl is walking down the sidewalk she passes by a female zombie wearing a brown shirt twice, and she passes by a male zombie in a blue and white shirt, and a few seconds later he's with a group of zombies that carjacks her in the woods outside of town.
The Shawshank Redemption
When the warden offers Tommy a Marlboro (before he is shot) the pack has Marlboro Miles on the side. Not in 1965 or '66.
When the warden shot himself he shot in the middle of his neck but the bullet hole is on the right side.
At the end when Andy escapes, he is wearing the warden's shoes and suit shirt. It is obvious neither would fit a man of Andy's frame.
When Andy is talking to Red for the first time in the yard, Red is playing catch with a few guys. Towards the end of the conversation Red catches the ball twice without throwing it back the first time.
When Andy is carving his name in the wall towards the beginning the "A" is different when they show it at the end.
In the middle part of the film, as they look out across the field you can see the shadow of a airplane cross the field.
In the first scene where we see David Hilfgott, there's a mark on his ring finger, probably made by a wedding ring. In that scene David isn't married.
The Shining
At the end of the movie there is the chase scene through the hedge maze in the dead of winter in Colorado. While Jack Nicholson runs after his son in a winter setting you cannot see their breath in what would be the cold night air.
The final chase/fight/shoot-out sequence starts in the Presidental Palace but by the time they are on the roof of the Building they are 3 miles away across the river on the roof of one of the National Theatre.
The Shootist
In the scene where Books and Gillam share a bottle of whiskey, as the camera changes angles the bottle label is always away from the camera.
When Books and Mrs. Rodgers are riding in the buggy after meeting up with Mike Sweeney, you can see the address numbers on the walls of the buildings they pass. There were no addresses on the walls in 1901.
In the scene where the two bad guys try to ambush Books while he sleeps, Books kills the first guy with a couple of gunshots, and the second guy waits a few seconds, then shoots at the bed again, as though no shots had been fired. In reality, he would have run away or shot at Books standing in the room.
When Books is in the barber shop talking to Mr. Beckham the undertaker, in different scenes Books' tie is either inside or outside his vest.
Books just finished a gun battle in the bar, and was shot by the bartender. Gillam runs in, grabs Books' gun and shoots the bartender dead with three more shots. Then he looks at the gun, and you can clearly see all the bullets still in the cylinders of the revolver.
Books tells Doc Hotstettler that "ten days ago, in Crede, Colorado......" and that he got on his horse and took off to find the Doc in Carson City, Nevada. That is about 600 miles away, which would mean riding 60 miles a day on horseback for a man dying of cancer and having trouble sitting without his "fancy pillow".
When Books falls in the bathtub, Mrs. Rodgers goes in to help him, and about three seconds later, he emerges from the bathroom fully clothed in his robe and a towel around his neck.
A couple of times in the movie, the camera pans to John Wayne, and his hair is parted on the wrong side. (Reverse editing flaw).
Right before Nomi is arrested, she is in the club dancing with 3" heels on. When she is in jail you can hear as she walks that she has on heels, but when she leaves she has on slippers.
Near the beginning when Nomi and her female friend (can't remember her name) get a bite to eat, Nomi's friend gets two huge sodas. A few seconds later Nomi puts the straw in and takes a sip, but it makes a noise like it's almost empty.
Silence of the Lambs
In the scene with the ambulance in Memphis, the Tennessee license plate on the ambulance says Davidson County. Memphis is in Shelby County, while Davidson County is Nashville.
In the scene where the elevator comes down with the nearly dead man without a face, there's a microphone hanging down.
Singing in the rain
When Gene Kelly does his classic singin' in the rain dance scene, it's only raining in the front half of the shot. In long shots, you can see that the back part of the scene is enjoying clear weather.
Sixteen Candles
When the family is getting into the car to go to the wedding one grandmother says to the other "let me in". The grandmother gets out to let the other grandmother in but the first grandmother never gets back in the car, she just pretends to. You can see her hiding behind the cars as it backs down the drive. Both grandmothers are in the car when they see Lond Duc Dong on the lawn.
They make the point that Ted can't take the prom queen home in Jake's car because he
does not know how to drive a stick
shift (Jake's Porsche) so Ted takes her home in Jake's dad's Rolls-Royce. Later in the
movie when Jake shows up at the wedding, you can see that the Porsche is an automatic as
he shifts it into drive.
Sleeping with the Enemy
In the final confrontation Julia Roberts has a Heckler and Koch semiauto - she shoots five times and it runs out of ammo. Unlikely as the semiauto used carries many more shots.
Sleepless in Seattle
At one point, Bill Pullman and Meg Ryan are talking about Duluth. Meg asks where Duluth is and Bill tells her it is in South Dakota. Duluth is in fact in Minnesota.
Before her trip to Seattle, Annie Reed hires a detective to investigate and photograph Sam. Sam, at Seattle airport to drop off his date, spots Annie as she arrives, and is struck by her. Annie notices Sam staring, but doesn't recognise him, despite her fixation upon him and her photos of him.
When the white boy is standing outside the car talking to the gangbanger inside the car, the gangster's sunglasses disappear depending on the camera angle.
We can see William Baldwin looking at Sharon Stone in her bathroom through his fixed cameras. But, sometimes the camera is tracking her round.
Martin walks really slowly in the room where the box is so as not to be caught by the motion sensor while some dog sharks are swimming quickly in the fish tank behind him without being caught by the sensor.
Towards the end where they steal the chip, they are detected and about a million security guards are all running around, yet 30 seconds later, the ONLY security guard is ONE MAN with a shotgun. What happened to their big army of security guards?
When Sally Field asks which apartment, she's told 2D. She goes to apartment 2A, and finds the guy she's looking for.
Somewhere In Time
When Christopher Reeve is looking backstage for the amazing Elise McKenna, we see a number of plywood stage items. Set in 1912, this action predates the invention of plywood - 1933. There are also extruded aluminum door controllers on many doors.
There are cars at the Grand Hotel - Chris drives up to it. They never show the ferry to Mackinaw Island, the site of the Grand Hotel.
Aged Elise McKenna presents college student with pocket watch in 1974. Student (Reeves) takes pocket watch back to Elise McKenna in 1912, and she keeps it her whole life to give back to him in 1974. Who made the watch - where did it come from?
Reeves' character tells McKenna's agent that he is a playwright who has seen his work published - yet this memory doesn't throw him back to his own time; he has to see a penny to be snapped away from Elise.
Son in Law
Rebecca and Crawl are flying home from LA to her farm in "South Dakota" for Thanksgiving. However, when the plane lands, her family is standing in front of a sign that says "Wasco." If you look at a map, you'll see that Wasco California is just outside Bakersfield, which is a mere hour and a half drive north of LA.
The family lives in South Dakota, and Becca goes off to college in Los Angeles. Yet when Becca and Crawl "Fly Home" for thanksgiving, and the family is waiting at the airport, if you look behind the family you see the airport sign says "Wasco." If you look it up on a map, Wasco California is just outside of Bakersfield, about 2 hours north of Los Angeles.
Sophie's Choice
There is a long scene wherein Meryl Streep is sitting in a bay window going on about something. When we first see her, her eyes are brown. Moments later, they are blue. At the end of the scene they are brown again.
The Sound of Music
At the end of the do-re-mi number, as Maria and the children are going up the stairs at the end of the song, Kurt still has his mouth open, even though the song has finished.
In the scene in the begining when Julie Andrews is singing the "I have confidence" song in front of the Von Trapp house, if you look at the tree while she is singing there is a person's shadow running by it.
Gretel, the youngest girl, is five years old. Captain Von Trapp's wife died seven years earlier. How could Gretel have been born if her mother wasn't alive?
While they're on the carriage in the Do-re-me scene, the oldest Vontrap girl isn't singing even though the song is still going. It's on the right of the screen.
When Dark Helmet is talking about coffee and radar, one of the men working on the ship grabs himself before everyone else.
When we see Snotty pleading with President Scroob about the beam, he has a Scottish accent. True, it's bad, but it's present. When he speaks again, his accent is gone.
Space Jam
In the scene where Bugs Bunny is trying to get Michael Jordan down the golf hole, he loses a shoe. But when he is on the court with the Toon Squad, he has shoes again. In Loony Tune Land, you cannot get shoes.
In the scene where the Tune Squad players are being introduced to the crowd, the announcer says that Daffy Duck is number four. But when Daffy comes out, you can clearly see that he is number two.
If you look at the legions of Roman soldiers at just about any point in the film, they're wearing wristwatches and trainers.
There is a shot in front of a sliding glass door. If you watch the glass and not the actor, you can see the mike boom and cameraman reflected in the glass.
In the scene where she drives the car (with the kidnapped woman in it) down the hill towards the breaker/electrical box, when she hops out at the very last second you can clearly see a person dressed all in black sitting in the driver's seat driving the car down the hill.
In one scene Geena Davis is repairing Michael Keaton's car. She has dirty hands. Then her boss drives by. She talks to him with a clean face and the next shot, she has oil or something on her face.
The scientists in the water base make a mistake when creating an algorythm that decodes
a code sent by the Sphere, and mistake two letters (H and A) for another two (J and E).
But that would still screw around with any other word using those letters. For example, a
message reading:
HELLO. MY NAME IS JERRY was actually, with the right letters:
HELLO. MY NAME IS HARRY (The H and A were switched with the J and E), But the message
would have read:
JALLO. MY NEMA IS JERRY (or whatever, but you get the idea) if the letters were switched
Spy Hard
In the scene near the end of the film Leslie Nielsen"s character gets out of a Volkswagen Beetle. When he opens the car door to get out, you can see the reflection of the cameraman and some crew members.
The timer in one of the scenes is different from the time the announer says it is.
St. Elmo's Fire
The characters graduated from Georgetown University, but when Rob Lowe returns to his Fraternity house and plays football, they are actually on the campus of the University of Maryland.
Stand By Me
In the beginning of the movie, where Teddy, Chris, Gordy, and Verne are in the treehouse, Chris and Teddy are playing cards. Chris is wearing a T-shirt with a cigarette package rolled up into his sleeves. Throughout the scene, Chris's cigarette package suddenly disappears.
All through the movie, when you gets shots of the guys on the other planet, if you look at their sunglasses you see the white boards and film crew's reflection.
Starship Troopers
The main character's ex-girlfriend has her ship blown apart by an alien when it's approaching one of their planets. When the chief is evacuating along with the rest of the ship, a door closing from the roof crushes her. MY GARAGE DOOR IS SMARTER THAN THAT! It knows when there's something in the way. You'd think by the future, they'd have evolved even past this. The door should never have closed on her.
Steel Magnolias
In the scene where Julia Roberts' character is getting a manicure before her kidney transplant, she sets her arm up on the table. The camera cuts away and the next shot of her shows her putting her arm on the table, again.
When Julia Roberts' character dies, Darryl Hannah's character is pregnant and Julia Roberts' son is 3 or 4. At Easter, Darryl Hannah goes into labour - only a few months later - but the son has aged to 7 years old or something. It even says his different ages in the credits.
Striking Distance
In the bridge scene, Willis is seen without his crutch as he looks over the bridge at his fallen cousin. They cut to him beside the bridge and he has his crutch.
We see Sarah Jessica Parker well-dressed in red without a bra. When Bruce Willis remove her red robe, she's wearing a bra.
When Harold Ramis is fighting Bill Murray to try to keep him from leaving the base, notice when Harold is on top of Bill choking him, there is a duffel bag under Bill's head, and in the cut-aways the bag is a few feet away.
When Harold Ramis pays off his pushup bet with Bill Murray, he throws the dollar bills onto Bill Murray's chest, and they move around and their number changes.
When Bill Murray's girlfriend is leaving him for good, she puts one of her boots on TWICE!
Not only does the position of the duffel bag change from under Murray's head to feet in the cut aways, it switches back and forth several times, and winds up by his side. His knit cap moves on and off his head during the same scene.
Sudden Death
In the last game of the Cup finals Luc Robitalle is on a break away. There is an aerial shot of the ice, showing clearly that Robitalle is the only one on the offensive half of the ice...a true break away if there every was one! Then, there is an ice-level shot, and somehow there are two defencemen that Robitalle has to beat to score.
Summer School
At the end of the show when the kids are taking the test, the girl that is pregnant brakes her pencil in half because she is having contractions but in the next shot her pencil is intact.
Superman IV
Capes of both supermen ruffle when they are on the moon - it must be windy up there.
Superman traps the supervillain (whose power depends on sunlight) inside of an elevator to incapacitate him. Superman then ripped the elevator out of the building. He then plants it on the far side of the moon. Later on, sunlight starts to shine into the elevator through a slit at where the doors meet. The villain of course recharges and comes after Superman again. Now, if light could get through that crack there, then why couldn't it get through when the elevator was ripped out of the building in BROAD DAYLIGHT?
The Sun Man takes the publisher of the newspaper out into space. Humans cannot breathe in outer space. Even if they could, wouldn't she burn up in re-entry?
In the health club, a barbell is handed to Clark Kent. In keeping with his "weakling" persona, Clark lurches forward from the weight of the barbell and falls on his face. In the next scene, he is getting up from his BACK.
The Sure Thing
When John Cusack is getting ready for his date with Daphne Zuniga. He unzips his trousers to tuck in his shirt twice.
The Swamp Thing
When the Swamp thing goes to destroy one of the trucks chasing Cable, the trucks used are chevy blazers but the one he wrecks is a International scout.
When Jon Favreue talks on the phone for the first time, there is an answering machine next to it. Then when we see the phone system again the answering machine is gone. Then Jon walks into the next room and when he walks back the whole phone system is gone.
Updated 29/5/98 by JWES