The Rock

When the group first enters Alcatraz, Sean Connery says that he memorised the pattern of fire flashes so he could roll under the boiler, but when he gets to the other side, he simply opens the door to the outside. When he originally escaped from Alcatraz, why didn't he use the door instead of trying to roll under the boiler?

At the beginning, when the marines are in the vault, stealing the VX gas, they drop one of the containers. Spheres of the gas roll everywhere, and they evacuate. One of the spheres rolls along the floor and hits the wall, causing it to be completely smashed, yet later on Goodspeed puts one in his pocket, and is rolling around on the floor with a burly marine. He pulls it out and shoves it in the marine's mouth, THEN it breaks.

When Ed Harris decides to shake things up by firing one of his rockets, the FBI radar tracks the trajectory and determines that it is heading to Oakland. More specifically, the rocket is heading to the Oakland Colosseum where there is a football game being played. But when the movie shows the rocket as it is flying towards its target, the rocket flies over a hill and we see the packed stadium - Candlestick/3Com Park in San Francisco.

Nick Cage is chasing Mason in the yellow Ferrari. The windshield breaks at least twice, but is perfect in the next shot.

When Nicholas Cage steals the motorcycle and is talking on the cellphone, the camera shows a close up. For a split second it shows the front tyre of the bike, and if you look closely the tyre is not turning.

At the start of the movie when Goodspeed and Marvin Isherwood are in the FBI lab trying to diffuse the serien gas bomb, when Goodspeed first walked into the chamber he stated his name, etc. he said that the time was 9:00am. However in the background you can see a clock that says the time is around 4:15.

At the end there are F-18s that have United States Air Force painted on the side of them. There are not, nor have there ever been F-18s in the Air Force.

In the very beginning, when one of the bad guys swings into the watch tower and shoots the guy out the window, you can see a large red ball that's supposed to be the bullet hitting the guy that flys out of the window. Just pause it at the part where he's hit and you can see a red ball bouncing off him.

Towards the end, General Hummel refuses to lanch the rockets because he was bluffing. One of his fellow men says, "Order the lanch General, let's be all we can be", when "All we can Be" is clearly an "ARMY" slogan, not a U.S. Marines slogan.

Updated 29/5/98 by JWES