
There is a seen right before Sarah Connor and her futuristic guardian get arrested, where on the side of a cop car it says "to serve and protect". In the next scene it say something else.

When the terminator says "I'll be back" he walks out of the police station. The cop inside the building looks out the window, looks very surprised, and you can see the headlights from the car shining on the cop's face. But when the car comes crashing through the building the headlights aren't on.

When Arnie drives through the police station, the cop is just sitting there. Not only that, his skin is a lot paler. It is so easy to see that it is a dummy.

How can John Conner be born if he has to send the soldier back to protect Sarah, when the soldier then becomes John Connor's father. Its a paradox, an endless loop that can't get started. What came first the chicken or the egg?

Arnold looks on the left page of the phone book to find Sarah Connor's name but when Sarah herself looks for her name she finds it on the right page.

Terminator 2

When the T1000 is driving the truck, he drives off a bridge and the windshield pops off, but in the next scene the windshield is back.

Early in the movie Arnie has a cigar burned into his chest by the bikers. A second later it's not there.

Linda Hamilton breaks her doctor's arm while informing him that "there are 215 bones in the human body. That's one." But there are 206 bones in the human body.

In the bar fight scene Arnold gets stabbed by one of the bikers - if you put it in slow motion you see the rubber knife bend in a few frames.

In the scene where Sarah hits the hospital guy with half a broom, you can see it bend like rubber in slo-mo.

If you watch carefully when the T1000 has driven off the bridge in the truck, you can see the suspension and steering gear collapse and shift (severely) to the driver's left. A moment later, the alignment is perfect.

The T1000 punches his body through the window of a helicopter to get inside. An instant later, the hole in the windshield is gone.

Only things which are living, or covered by living tissue can go through the time transporter, thus explaining why the Terminators can't bring guns and bombs and knives and such. Therefore, Arnold can go through because he is covered with living tissue. HOWEVER, the T-1000 is NOT covered in living tissue - he is made out of a liquid metal that only LOOKS like living tissue (which can in no way mutate like all that nifty liquid metal) Therefore, the T-1000 technically should not have been able to go through the time thing.

We learn that the computer which causes WW3 was designed from the arm and an electronic chip found following the destruction of the first terminator. At the end Arnie, along with the pieces from the first terminator, must be melted down so that no one will research the technology and create the defence computer. If the computer was based on technology from the first terminator, how was the computer made the first time? Humans were saved because of melting Arnie. Without the first terminator, the research and construction of the computer never happens, so how was the first terminator sent back in time to cause the computer to be made?

The computer that the T-1000 reads in the police car (at the beginning) reads that John is 10 years old and was born on February of 1985. Which means that the movie would have to take place in 1995 ( 2 years before Judgement Day). Yet, Arnold claims in the car, (while driving towards Mexico) that Judgement Day would happen in 3 years, just after the Skynet funding bill is passed by congress.

When the truck with liquid nitrogen hits the metallurgical plant's gate and Arnie falls down, at one point you can see the two wires on his shoulders that keep him in the air.

Arnold wrenches his own arm off to get out of the gears and save the Conners. Yet he later melts himself so his parts can't be used as a design to build Skynet, the villain behind all this. Remember that it was designed the first time around by the arm and chip of the T-800 from the first movie. WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS ARM? They throw the original arm and chip in after Arnold, but they never go back to get the arm in the gears. I think the answer to this is that they wanted to leave an explanation for T3, if they want to.

When the T-1000 is chasing Arnie, Sarah and John in the police chopper he is shooting at them. At one point Arnie climbs on and shoots him with a big machine gun. The T-1000 slumps into the seat with both hands at his side, so there must be a third hand holding the stick. [Someone's pointed out that the T-1000 could sprout as many hands as he needs, which is true, but even so.....]

Proof for the above: In the scene after the T-1000 gets into the helicopter, there is a scene where he is flying with both hands. At one point, you can see a third hand on the flight stick.

Arnie has a grenade launcher and a belt with over 15 grenades on it. During the course the the film he only fires about 5 or 6 grenades, but the all the grenades vanish from the belt.

The shotgun which Sarah Connor takes into the steel mill has all of the ammunition on top of it. If you count the number there, and then count the number of shots fired or shells lost, you will see that the gun fires more shots than it had ammunition for.

After Arnie shoots the frozen T-1000 with his pistol, he ejects the clip and puts in a new one - even though he only fired one shot.

In the scene where John and the T-800 have just stolen a new car from outside the abandoned garage, they pull around the corner to meet Sarah who is waiting. When she opens the car door, you can see the reflection of the camera crew in the car door's window.

In the scene when the nitrogen truck with T1000 overturns, we can see 2 wires pulling the truck. If those wires didn't exist, the truck would never slide the way it does.

When Arnold is riding the Harley chasing Young John Conner, John is down in the reservoir and Arnold is up on the ledge, as he approaches the end of the wall, through Arnold's point of view on the bike you see the wall end, it clearly extends to a point, on the very next scene as he makes the jump the point has all of a sudden gone from a point to a squared off edge. Obviously the jump would have been a disaster if the edge was pointed.

When John Connor and Arnie are at the payphone calling his step mom, Arnie punches the phone and puts a massive dent in it and change comes out. If you look at the bottom of the phone before he punches it there is already a dent there.

If you pay attention during Sarah's hospital escape scene, you will hear her shoes on the tile even though she is running barefooted.

When the T-1000 robot has stolen a police-motorbike, you can clearly see this is a highway-bike, but when he's climbing the staircase in the Skynet-building it is a cross-motorbike.

Updated 29/5/98 by JWES