
During the big falling debris scene, Paxton and Helen Hunt are in the red truck. The truck hits a tractor. The impact damages the windshield, and it is clearly broken, but a second later the windshield is perfect and untouched.

During the scene when a cow blows by the truck, the truck is driving down an empty dirt road with water on both sides. During the shots of the occupants, the road behind the truck is paved, and in one of these rear shots a truck drives by in the opposite direction.

In the scene immediately before the gas tanker blows up in front of the truck, the passenger window of the truck is wide open. As the truck clears the explosion, the window is closed.

After the first twister they chase, Jo's hair is covered in mud and dirt. Then minutes later in the red truck her hair is clean and fixed nicely.

Towards the beginning of the movie when Melissa goes on the first chase, she is under an umbrella with her hair dry. They cut away go back, she is drenched, cut away go back she is soaked, go back again, she is wet.

As the two main characters are in the twister near the beginning or middle, and under that small bridge, the twister moves away. Debris falls from the sky, and their truck falls just in front of that guy's new girlfriend. She screams and panics. Then all of the other guys run to see if SHE is OK. Why was everyone more concerned about someone's NEAR injury, as opposed to the two who may very well have died in a tornado?

When the solid water funnel comes and Bill, Joe, and Melissa are chasing it, if you look from when they are not up to the dirt road, surrounded by water, to when they almost get blown away, there is a red car driving by.

At the beginning, when the guy comes back to have Jo sign the divorce papers, He says "you missed one", and you can clearly see a red tab on the paper that she missed. In the next seen it's gone and in the next it's back again.

During a scene in the middle they drive the red Dodge solo into the hills to face a twister. As they bail out they find that they can't free the "Dorothy" from the back of the truck, so they have to run for it. As they look back they watch power poles start blowing up. Finally the one next to the truck goes and falls across the bed of the truck, smashing Dorothy onto the roadway and spilling the sensors. As they come back to the truck, because the twister has disappeared, they realise the twister is "jumping" and pile into the truck for their escape. The power pole is no longer resting across the truck and there is no damage to the bed.

In the scene where Bill, Jo, and Bill's therapist fiancée are in Bill's red truck and about to be engulfed in the tornado where the cows are flying around, the fiancé's cell phone is ringing for about the fifth time in as many minutes. The fiancée answers the phone with a disgusted look on her face like she resents having to answer the phone during such a dangerous time. If you were close enough to a tornado and about to be engulfed in it you certainly wouldn't answer a phone let alone be able to hear it ring amongst the noise of all the wind.

In the very opening scene where Jo is just a baby and her dad and mom are carrying her and running from the house to enter the storm shelter, the tornado is just 60 seconds or so from destroying their house and sucking Jo's dad away. If you look at the trees behind them as they are running, you can see the trees are barely moving from any wind at all. If a real tornado was that close, the trees would be half bent over from the 60-100+ mph wind.

In the first few seconds of the movie, there's a landscape shot of a fence. Right in front of the fence there's a little piece of grass blowing in the wind, and it's just so obvious that they looped the 1 second to make it last 5 seconds, because the grass keeps jumping back and forth. Minor but annoying.

When Bill and Jo are going through the house, the house is on its side horizontally. When they are crashing through the rooms though, the rooms are vertical. Also, in the same scene, you can clearly see them going up the stairs to the second floor. When they burst out, they are magically back down on the first floor. Right after that, the windshield is all cracked. A second later, it's perfectly fine.

When everybody is at the Drive In Movie Theatre, and Bill and Melissa have talked to each other, Melissa tells Bill she doesn't want to be in love any more. She then adds the words: "I'm going home." Yet in the beginning Melissa and Bill drove in that truck, and if we never saw Melissa again in the movie, and they used the truck the entire time, how do you suppose she got home?

If Bill just bought a new red truck, why does it have a radio to talk to other people in other cars?

When Jo and Bill are having their fight in Jo's car, the car behind them heard them fighting, yet at 50 miles per hour, a car wouldn't be able to hear two people fighting ahead of them, especially if they're not talking into a speaker.

When Jo, Melissa and Bill are in his car, they see Jonas wave from his car. Just before this had happened, Jonas looked in his rear view mirror. He only saw a red car with a background of a paved street. Where is the rest of Jo and Bill's crew?

When Bill prepares Dorothy II, it takes him about a minute. When he prepares Dorothy IV, all he has to do is flip a switch and it takes him about 2 seconds.

In the first sequence, they family is in the house with the child in bed. It looks to be night. When they run from the house to the shelter, they scatter a flock of chickens. Chickens don't go outside after dark... Even during eclipses and such...

When the good group is chasing the tornado, the bad group is following them (watching for skid marks on turns, etc.) anyway, the bad guys see skid marks at a turn about 10ft in front of them. They would have to turn immediately and they would still barely make the turn. The camera goes off the road and shows the driver's "what do I do??" expression for about 3 seconds, then the camera goes back on the road and the turn is the same distance away. In reality they would have passed the turn and been about 20 ft past it by then.

Updated 29/5/98 by JWES