Reference projects

Selected list of reference projects

The following is a selection of current and recent international projects focusing on both Air Quality Management and Water Management:


Bangkok metropolitan area air quality management system
Client: Department of Pollution Control, Ministry of Environment
Air project to assist the Department of Pollution Control to:
- Enhance the Air Quality Management to four regional nodes
- Implement Information System to disseminate the information from the Air Quality Management project to internal and external users.


Hydropower Development, Tanzania
Client: Tanzania Electric Supply Co
Feasibility Study to determine the hydropower potential of the upper Rufiji, Rumakali and Ruhuhu basins in southwestern Tanzania. Statistics, e.g. flood frequencies and duration curves, were calculated. Service provided in association with SwedPower/Norconsult.


Development of a photochemical module for MATCH
Client: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Creation of modelling system for photochemical oxidants (ozone) over Scandinavia using the MATCH model as a basis development system. The aim was to develop a tool for assessing the importance of different sources of pollutants to the levels of photochemical oxidants over Sweden and to study control strategies for emission reductions. This involves nesting of a large scale model covering Europe with a higher resolution model for Sweden.


RODOS, Real-time online decision support system for off-site emergency management in Europe, Nuclear Fission Safety Programme, CEC
Client: Swedish Radiation Protection Institute and European Commission
Research project within the Commission of the European community DGXII and DGXI. The aim is to build an integrated real-time decision support system for nuclear accidents in Europe. SMHI’s part is to implement the MATCH-model in RODOS and to complete the meteorological and atmospheric dispersion model chain for all distance ranges and its coupling to local synoptic station and weather forecasts of the national weather services.


Monitoring and Forecasting, Vistula River, Poland
Client: Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Warsaw.

Set-up of an operational hydrological monitoring and modelling system for the Vistula River. Technology transfer, training and systems integration.


Water Balance Study of the Lago Poopo Basin, Bolivia, within The Oruro Pilot Project
Client: Government of Bolivia

A water balance study for the Lago Poopo basin to support the pollution mass transport calculation from the mining areas within the basin. Service provided in association with Swedish Geological AB.


Tehran Transport Emission Reduction Project
Client: Air Quality Control Company (Tehran Municipality)
The study of motor vehicle emissions and air quality in Tehran will review the current situation and expected future trends in vehicle emissions and air quality, and analyse the technical and economic feasibility of various control technologies and policies. The study will assist policy makers develop short (0-5 years), medium (5-10 years) and long (10-20 years) term strategies to reduce transport emission within a framework that addresses both local air quality and greenhouse gas emission issues.


Water Supply Study for Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Client: Ministry of Local Governments
Pre-feasibility study and tender design of water resources and water supply system for the city of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Services provided as associates to SWECO.


Hydrological Forecasting, Estonia and Latvia
Client: Hydrometeorological institutes of Estonia and Latvia.
Transfer of operational hydrological forecasting systems, training and applications to pilot rivers. Institutional strengthening of the Hydrometeorological institutes of Estonia and Latvia.


Flood studies for river Klarälven, Sweden
Client: Gullspångs Kraft AB, Sweden
Calculation of the design inflow comprises choice of precipitation sequence (14 days) with regional and seasonal corrections. Alternative procedures will later be tried in order to mitigate flood peaks and to reduce the need for additional spillway capacity.


Reservoir Siltation at future Hydropower Sites in the Icona basin, Bolivia
Client: Empresa Nacional de Electricidad, Bolivia
Sediment data were compiled and a suspended sediment yield model was set up and calibrated for the rivers in the Icona basin.


Short term inflow forecasting in hydropower production
Client: Yngeredsfors Kraft AB, Sweden
Weekly inflow forecasting based on the HBV inflow model for optimisation of the power production.


Air pollution assessment study for Sweden using the MATCH (Mesoscale Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry Model) modelling system
Client: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Regional governments
National and regional air pollution assessment for Sweden including physical and chemical processes governing sources, atmospheric transport and sinks of oxidised sulphur and oxidised and reduced nitrogen compounds. Air pollution contributions from different source types like traffic, industry, shipping, farming etc was obtained. Long-range transport contribution from other countries or regions to air pollution and deposition within the model region was quantified.


Improvement of the information required for the control of the atmospheric pollution in the Santiago Metropolitan area
Client: National Commission for the Environment - Metropolitan Area

A meteorological network was designed and installed. An emission database was created, describing transport, industrial and domestic emissions within the Santiago basin. All databases were loaded into an AIRVIRO system, together with a dispersion model. A technical report was produced and later used as a base for declaring Santiago saturated in particulates, carbon monoxide and ozone. A photochemical model, the American Urban Airshed Model (UAM) is to be integrated with the system for performing studies of ozone episodes.


Hydroelectric Power Project, Himachal Pradesh, India
Client: Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board, India
Feasibility Study for Baspa I and Sawra Kuddu hydropower dams. The flood frequencies and estimated extreme floods for the two sites were calculated using the HBV model. Services provided in association with SwedPower.


Water Master Plan and Hydrodevelopment, India
Client: Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board
Water Master plan and feasibility study for hydropower development in Himachal Pradesh, India. Services provided in association with SwedPower.


Water Resources Development and Hydropower Optimisation, Bolivia
Client: Empresa Nacional de Electricidad, Bolivia
Transfer of hydrological modelling, water availability assessment, extreme flood simulations and upgrading of data quality. Personnel was trained to operate, set up and calibrate the IHMS for new basins of interest.


Flood Forecasting in Central America
Client: Swedish International Development Cooperation Authority (Sida) & Danish International Development Agency (Danida)
Real-time flood forecasting and control system for the six Central American countries. Transfer of technology, data assessments, database creation and training. In later project stages in association with Danish Hydraulic Institute.


Assessment of Surface Water Resources in Manyame, Zimbabwe
Client: The Government of Zimbabwe
The IHMS-HBV, a stream flow forecasting system, was tested for the Manyame catchment on a personal computer at the Hydrological Branch of the Ministry.


Air quality in Usti, Czech Republic
Client: Department of Environment, Municipalities of Usti nad Labem
The aim of the project was to provide the City of Usti with a solution to the Regional Centre for monitoring of the ambient air and for securing the population against the effects of industrial accidents. The AIRVIRO system was integrated with the already existing monitoring system. In this way, city planners are able to implement measures which contribute towards reducing air pollution, and at the same time tracing the source of the harmful emission.


The analysis and mapping of ambient air quality in Riga, Latvia
Client: Riga City Council
Improvement of the emisson inventory in Riga. Ensure that a target group should be able to work independently and offer services such as modelling and measuring ambient air quality with a quality assurance comparable to Western standards. Further the project was designed to ultimately lead to a more widespread environmental awareness in Latvia, which would be spread throughout the Baltic Region.


Air quality monitoring system for Singapore
Client: Ministry of Environment
The customer requested a "Telemetric Air Quality Monitoring System" comprising 15 measuring stations and a central computer system. The central computer system was to provide a very high level of availability, with automatic take-over by a reserve system if the main computer should fail. The software was to perform all data collection and reporting for the monitoring network, and was to include an emission database, dispersion models and a receptor model.


Enhanced urban network for the United Kingdom
Client: Department of Environment
The aims and objectives of the Department of the Environment is well described by the project specification: "The main function of the network is to provide the public with information about the air they breathe. To this end, the network will provide essentially on-line air quality data, initially for ozone, NO2, NO, SO2, CO and particulates". The measurement data handled by the system were to be acquired from dataloggers at measurement sites all over the United Kingdom and transferred at regular intervals to other computer systems, some which retransmit information to public media.
Revised 1998-03-02

More information

Contact person: Gustaf Westring
Fax: +46 11 495 80 01
Tel: +46 11 495 80 00

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