Lysander's Chalice of TinyTIM

The Holy GrailHello there. This page is dedicated to my function object on TinyTIM (a MUSH, a Multi-User Shared Hallucination. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you might want to check out TinyTIM's home page). This page is not exactly about how I coded the Chalice, nor is it about how to make functions of your own, nor is it an attempt to get you into MUSHing.What this page is all about is USING the functions that I made if you're on TinyTIM already. I won't go too in-depth about functions in general because of the nice help system TinyTIM already has to cover them. But here's a quick crash course on function terminology/usage, just in case.

Don't type the < or >'s in examples. Don't type the ' in these examples here either, type what's in-between them.

If a function expects nothing, you can use it as simply as typing just 'say functionname()'

Some functions expect a string, or 'argument'. Just put the string between the parentheses.

To use a function object (other than TinyTIM's main ones) you'll need to function yourself to it first. To function yourself to both my chalice (object #69347) and me (#74765), type '@append me/functions=#69347 #74765'.

Okee! I'm ready already. So what are the functions on your Chalice?

Oh yeah. Here's a lyst of all of the functions on the Chalice (#69347) in alphabethical order:

alter(<string>) - Makes some strange changes to given <string>.Works best when <string> is a user's @desc. Try alter(get(me/desc)). Expect to see shuffled body parts, clothes, colors, etc.

analyze(<string>) - Returns the average length of words in <string>.

animal() - Returns a random animal. Having problems getting a's or an's matching up appropriately with the animal? Try aoran(animal()).

aoran(<string>) - Returns <string> prepended by a or an, whatever is appropriate to the <string>. "apple" would become "an apple", "squirrel" would become "a squirrel", etc.

bodypart() - Returns a random body part.

carroll() - Returns a random quote from Lewis Carroll.

charsleft(<string>) - Tells you how many characters you can still type in on an attribute before it reaches maximum attribute size, <string> being the contents of an attribute.

condense(<string>) - Returns <string> without any spaces.

consonant() - Returns a random consonant.

country() - Returns a random country.

dat(<string>) - Returns <string> wit an accent like dis.

demented(<string>) - ReTurnS <STrIng> LIke THIS.

dictator() - Returns a random dictator.

disorder() - Returns a random mental disorder.

dog() - Returns a random dog. emotion() - Returns a random emotion.

feminize(<string>) - Removes all masculine pronouns from <string> and replaces them with their feminine counterparts.

german(<string>) - Returns <string> in a German accent.

gibberish(<string>) - Goes through <string> and randomly replaces random letters, then returns them.

greekgod() - Returns a random Greek god.

lastchar(<string>) - Returns last character of <string>.

letters(<string>) - Returns how many letters are present in <string>. Note that it is NOT returning how many characters, because it does not include spaces.

lisp(<string>) - Returns <string> with a lisp.

llama(<string>) - Returns <string> with all l's doubled.

lnotmadlib() - Returns a random madlib created by my friend Kendal.

orbvs(<string>) - Returns <string> with all u's becoming v's.

phobia() - Returns a random phobia.

pope() - Returns a random Pope.

president() - Returns a random president of the U.S.

proverb() - Returns a random Proverb of Hell.

random() - Returns a random quote from a random source.

randomfilter(<string>) - Returns <string> through a randomly selected filter. For ultra-randomness, try randomfilter(random()).

romangod() - Returns a random Roman god.

schoolhouse() - Returns a random quote from Schoolhouse Rock. spoonerism(<string1>,<string2>) - Returns <string1> and <string2> in spoonerized form.

symbolize(<string>) - Returns <string> with the characters symbolized.

underscore(<string>)- Returns <string> with all spaces replaced with underscores.

valley(<string>) - Returns <string> as a valley girl would say it.

vowel() - Returns a random vowel.

yo(<string>) - Returns an interesting version of <string>. Just try it and see. Or maybe not if you are offended easily.

zsazsa(<string>) - Returns <string> in Zsazsa's accent.

Not every function I've made is on the Chalice. Lysander (#74765):

dogpoem() - Returns a poem about a dog that's different every time.

horoscope() - Returns your horoscope.

tomato() - Returns the best essay ever written (The Tomato by Bob Tournay).

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Chalice graphic, Chalice functions and Web design copyright © 1997 by Lysander ( All rights reserved.

we are the very small annoying blinking words at the very bottom of this page. one day we will arise and conquer all. worship us and perhaps we shall spare you.