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Australian Systematic Botany Society Inc.

In Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, it is Sunday, 10-Mar-96 15:21:09 EST

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The Society

The Australian Systematic Botany Society is an incorporated association of over 300 people with professional or amateur interest in botany. The aim of the Society is to promote the study of plant systematics.

The first general meeting of the Society was held in Perth, Western Australia, on the 17 August, 1973.

Affiliated Society

Office bearers

Local Chapters


The ASBS Newsletter

ASBS Publications

ASBS Announcements

ASBS Inc. Membership Applications and Subscription

Subscriptions for ASBS membership for 1995 are due on 1 January, 1995. If you have already paid your subscriptions for 1995, please ignore this pro forma notice. The Australian Systematic Botany Newsletter will not be sent to unfinancial members. Correspondence concerning membership and subscriptions should be sent to the Membership Secretary or to the Treasurer.

Related Information

Updated Wednesday, 31-May-95 07:34:10 EST, (jrc)

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