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design winter school: a conference and collaboratorium

Results of the Fifth Annual Design Winter School
Centre for Design at RMIT
Melbourne, Australia
7 to 15 July, 1995

* Please note: this site is still very much under construction *

[ Conference | Collaboratorium | Convergence | Credits]

'Contemporary society is caught between two large-scale evolutionary phenomena: the pursuit of environmental sustainability and the spread of information and communications technology...'

Professor Ezio Manzini, Domus Academy, Milan
Finding ways of bridging the info-eco divide was the purpose of the 5th Annual Design Winter School. Tourism was the focus for exploring how these two areas can intersect and merge. The School concentrated on ways in which the design and application of information and communications technologies could support a sustainable tourism. As always, a blend of healthy scepticism and creative speculation was brought to bear on all our enquiries. A number of scenarios involving the creative re-design of products and services were investigated.

[ Conference | Collaboratorium | Convergence | Credits]

Copyright © 1995, National Key Centre for Design at RMIT
PO Box 2476V, Melbourne Victoria 3001, Australia
Vox: +61 3 9660 2362 Fax: +61 3 9639 3412
URL: http://www.cfd.rmit.edu.au/WS/WS.html
Email: cfd@rmit.edu.au

HTML by Michael Abdilla - webmaster@cfd.rmit.edu.au
Last updated 6 November, 1995