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"What the orphaned and abandoned child needs first and foremost is a family - a family in which he or she can develop normally" Hermann Gmeiner (1919-1986) Founder of SOS Children's Villages WHAT ARE SOS CHILDREN'S VILLAGES? The International SOS Association was founded in 1949. Today this network consists of more than 1150 projects in more than 119 countries, making the SOS Children's Villages Association (or SOS Kinderdorf International, as it is know in some countries) the world's largest private child care organisation. The purpose of SOS Children's Villages is to provide a permanent family environment for children who have lost their parents or whose parents are unable to suitably care for them. 8 to 10 children - boys and girls of various ages who grow up like brothers and sisters - are cared for in small family-type groups, the SOS families. Each SOS family lives in a house of its own. The head of the family is the SOS mother. She provides the children entrusted to her care with the affection and sense of security they need to ensure their sound development. About 15 houses are grouped together as an SOS Children's Village which forms a community and provides an extended family for all children. The SOS Children's Village is supervised by a Village Father who advises the mothers and, together with other male employees, represents the father figure. The children grow up in conditions very similar to those in a normal family. They attend public schools and are encouraged to integrate with the surrounding community, while educational therapy supplements the children's upbringing. Children are accepted by SOS Children's Villages - irrespective of race, nationality or creed - from infancy to the age of eight years, solely according to their needs for care. They stay until they are able to begin independent life. Older teenagers may be placed in Youth Houses which support them in taking their first step to independence. Wherever appropriate, the SOS Children's Villages maintain contact with the extended family from which the child comes. COMMITMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA The SOS Children's Villages Association of South Africa was formed in 1982 with the construction of the first SOS Children's Village. Today hundreds of children are provided with a permanent family environment in SOS Children's Villages in Ennerdale, Mamelodi, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town and Pietermaritzburg. Attached to each SOS Children's Village is a SOS Kindergarten, which is open to the surrounding communities and offers educational programmes to young pre-school students. SOS Youth Houses provide bridging facilities for the transition from life in the SOS Children's Villages to independent life. Under the guidance of a Youth Leader who lives with them, young adults manage their own household while they learn how to share resources and take responsibility for their actions. Practical skills training programmes, such as computer usage and sewing, offered by the SOS Training Centre in Mamelodi are aimed at assisting youths from SOS Children's Villages and the community in gaining meaningful employment. Through the Educare Community "Cr‚che" Programme SOS shares its experience in educating children with developing communities by training child-care workers and assisting in developing activities and programmes for children. THE ORGANISATION IN SOUTH AFRICA The SOS Children's Villages Association of South Africa is a private, charitable social welfare organisation. It is politically and denominationally independent, and is an affiliated member of SOS Kinderdorf International, based in Innsbruck, Austria. Finances SOS Children's Villages are dependent on financial support of individual and corporate supporters. Individual donors generally donate between R5 and R200 per month to support a broad range of programmes. Corporate sponsors support the direct costs of operating one or more SOS Family Houses and make contributions for educational programmes which, in some cases, are tax deductible. Funds received are administered by the SOS Children's Village Association of South Africa. Every effort is made to keep administration cost to an absolute minimum. How YOU can help Many children need many friends. Friends to share the responsibility for their well-being now and in the future. Rather than leaving destitute children to their own devices and a life of hopelessness and poverty, your contribution will make it possible for us to train and educate these children in proper caring family environments. You can assist us to teach them to help themselves. There are many ways of furthering aims of the local SOS Association. For instance: * Monthly contributions as a friend of SOS * Sponsorship of a specific project * Donations, large or small * Bequest,legacies All friends of SOS receive regular information on the progress made in South Africa. National Office: PO Box 22 RANDBURG 2125 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Tel +27 (0)11 792-9324/5/6 Fax +27 (0)11 792-9329 Fundraising Number: 01100033500007