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BGSU Disclaimer

Although we will attempt to keep information in the BGSU Web accurate, the accuracy of the information provided cannot be guaranteed.

All parties submitting materials to the BGSU Web represent and warrant that the submission, installation, copying, distribution, and use of such materials in connection with the BGSU Web will not violate any other party's proprietary rights. The user understands and agrees that BGSU is not responsible for any errors created in or damage to materials as a result of the installation or maintenance on BGSU Web servers, or their use by anyone accessing BGSU Web servers. All use of the BGSU Web must be in accordance with exisiting University regulations for computer use. Photographs used on the BGSU Web are the exclusive property of Bowling Green State University.

All major sections within the BGSU Web must have a link to this disclaimer page along with the electronic mail address of the person(s) responsible for maintaining that particular section.

95-08-29 / webmaster@bgnet.bgsu.edu