(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
EXACT Reports on CD-ROM
The best way to access EXACT Reports is on CD-ROM using the eSEARCH software.
This service combines search software with the ability to view and print report
pages at the touch of a button.
- eSEARCH can be used with Windows 95 or Windows 3.1
- Searching for Component or Technology Reports
- Detailed index data giving a full description of tested components or an
abstract for Technology Reports
- Viewing of report pages with zoom facility
- Statutes, General Directives, Classification, Membership Register and
Instructions for Preparing Reports are also included
- Printing of page images
- Export of pages or parts of pages to the Windows Clipboard or to a graphic
file in TIFF format
- Help screens are available to assist in the operation of the program
- CD-ROM Discs circulated in March and December each year
- Index data circulated every quarter
- Reports not yet circulated on CD-ROM can be ordered by fax or post
- Hard copy indexes supplied for mailing of reports exact