(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Who's who on ExPASy
The ExPASy molecular biology server is provided as a service
to the scientific community by the Geneva University Hospital and the
University of Geneva.
This server undergoes constant modifications and improvements. We would like
you to let us know if you encounter problems or have suggestions on how to
improve it.
You may contact the following persons by e-mail, depending on the type of
comments or questions you have. We obviously will forward your message to
the right person if necessary.
For comments, problems, questions or suggestions on...
- Amos Bairoch
- Jean-Charles Sanchez
- ... SWISS-3DIMAGE, Swiss-Model or Swiss-Shop:
- Manuel C. Peitsch
- ... 2-D PAGE in general:
- Denis F. Hochstrasser
- ... the ExPASy WWW server or the Melanie software:
- Ron D. Appel
You may also see who is currently working
on these projects in Geneva.
Please read the disclaimer.