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Conservation Administration News

Conservation Administration News

Conservation Administration News (CAN), a quarterly publication devoted to library and archival preservation, first appeared in June of 1979. CAN was the recipient of the American Library Association's 1984-85 H.W. Wilson Library Periodical Award. CAN is published by Preservation and Conservation Studies/Graduate School of Library and Information Science at The University of Texas at Austin.

Each issue contains timely articles and reports from the conservation and preservation fields, as well as book reviews, positions available, news briefs, and calendar of events. CAN is currently sent to 28 countries and reports on issues and events that effect preservation programs worldwide. For a free sample copy of an article and book review, send request to address below.

A one year subscription to Conservation Administration News is $30.00. Please make checks payable to Conservation Administration News and remit to:

Conservation Administration News
Journals Department
The University of Texas Press
Post Office Box 7819
Austin, Texas 78713-1276
Or order by email: