...to the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) WWW home page. The Institute is a part of the University of Florida (UF) and is located in Gainesville, Florida, on the campus of this Land-Grant and Sea-Grant institution.
UF/IFAS is a statewide organization dedicated to teaching, research, and extension and serves the agricultural, human, and natural resources needs for the State of Florida. UF/IFAS has faculty located on the University of Florida campus and at 21 research and education centers, extension offices in 67 counties, and four demonstration units throughout the state.
UF/IFAS is a partnership in food, agriculture, natural- and renewable-resource research, and education. It is funded by state, federal, and local governments and industry.
It is the mission of UF/IFAS to: Educate students in the food, agricultural, and related sciences and natural resources; strengthen Florida's diverse food and agricultural industry and its environment through research; and enhancing for all Floridians the application of research and knowledge to improve the quality of life statewide through UF/IFAS extension programs.
For the future, IFAS has defined the vision, mission and goals of the Institute for Florida 2000 and Beyond.
Education -
Academic Departments
Extension -
Cooperative Extension Service
Research -
Experiment Station and
Research Centers
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Interactive Florida
County Atlas and Municipal Fact Book
Support and Services Units
Educational Media and Services
FLAS - University of Florida Herbarium
NMR Magnetic Resonance Laboratory
Other Florida and Educational Sites
Before you leave, come visit the University of Florida Software Copyright Pirate to learn about software copyright and obtain materials you need to help your department learn and comply with Software Copyright guidelines.
Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure is a report from the Information Infrastructure Task Force (IITF) Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights.
This UF/IFAS Home Page has been rated among the top 5% of all sites on the Internet by Point Survey. |