(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Space Weather Telephone Services
Brief summaries and forecasts (in Japanese) of solar activity,
geomagnetic activity,
and short-wave propagation conditions are available from a 24-hr
answering telephone service system. Information on major solar-
terrestrial events, relevant indices and sunspot numbers is included
in these summaries and forecasts. The messages are updated at about
0600UT on a daily basis.
The access points are as follows;
A comprehensive guide book (in Japanese) is prepared.
Send a request to the following address with a mailing charge.
Request for "Telephone Service Guide Book"
Hiraiso Solar Terrestrail Research Center,
Communications Research Laboratory
3601, Isozaki-cho, Hitachinaka-shi,
Ibaraki 311-12, Japan
Phone. 0292-65-7121
Fax. 0292-65-9717
Hiraiso/CRL Home Page