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IATH Related Courses

These include courses taught by IATH faculty, using material developed in their research projects and courses taught at other schools using IATH publications.

Courses Taught by IATH Faculty:

Spring 1996

ENSP 482 - Theory and Practice of Hypertext

An honors undergraduate seminar in the English Department, taught by John Unsworth.

Fall 1995

ENEC 981 - The Novel of Sensibility

A graduate seminar in the English Department at the University of Virginia, taught by Jerome McGann and Patricia Spacks. This course will study the cultural and esthetic formations of sensibility and sentimentality in the 18th and early 19th centuries, as expressed through key fictional works. (Fall 1995)

ENSP 982 - Discourse Networks

A graduate seminar in the English Department, taught by John Unsworth.

ENNC 491 - Incarnate Textualities: Blake, Dickinson, D. G. Rossetti

An undergraduate seminar in the English Department at the University of Virginia, taught by Jerome McGann. The course focusses on the different ways that these three writers exploit their materials in order to create poetical works that are both textual and visual in character. Term: fall, 1995.

Spring 1995

ENNC 986 - The Pre-Raphaelite Movement

A graduate seminar in the English Department at the University of Virginia, taught by Jerome McGann. The Rossetti Archive, a hypermedia editorial project underway at IATH, will focus much of the work in the class. (Spring 1995)

ENSP 482 - Theory and Practice of Hypertext

An honors undergraduate seminar in the English Department, taught by John Unsworth.

LAR702 - Town Planning in Post-Suburban America

A graduate Landscape Architecture design studio, taught by Michael Stern (Spring, 1995).

REL378/REL528 - Adam and Eve

An undergraduate and graduate seminar on the interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve in early Judaism and Christianity, taught by Gary A. Anderson (Spring, 1995).

TCC315 - Invention and Design

An undergraduate course in the division of Technology, Communication, and Culture, in the College of Engineering, in which groups of students adopt the roles of 19th-century research teams and compete with the progress of real inventors like Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray to develop new communications devices (Spring 1995).

USEM 171: The Information Superhighway: An interdisciplinary introduction to the internet, its evolution and future promise

An undergraduate University Seminar organized by Polley McClure (VP for Information Technologies) and team-taught with the participation of Institute-related faculty McGann, Unsworth, and Wulf, among others. (Spring 1995)

Fall 1994

ARTH 516 - Roman Architecture

A graduate course in the Art Department at the University of Virginia, taught by John Dobbins (Fall 1994).

ENCR 481 - Engineering the Self in the Late Twentieth Century

An honors undergraduate seminar in the English Department at the University of Virginia, taught by John Unsworth (Fall 1994).

Courses Taught at Other Schools:

History 300 - Gettysburg College

An undergraduate history course that takes advantage of the Augusta Archive created by Edward Ayers and published on the Web.

Last Modified: Sunday, 14-Jan-96 20:12:19 EST