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KZSU Survey

KZSU Survey

This really quick survey provides information that is invaluable to us. Thanks for taking the time to fill it out.

Mac Mosaic users: if you can't fill out this form, you need a later version of Mac Mosaic.

Do you live in our listening area?

I live in the San Francisco Bay Region, and can receive KZSU (As far as I know).

I live outside the Bay Area, and/or cannot receive KZSU.

What's your relationship to Stanford?

I am a Stanford area community member, or just an admirer.

Student. Faculty. Staff. Alumna/i.

How often do you listen to KZSU per week?


Less than 1 hour. 1 - 5 hours. 5 - 10 hours. More than 10 hours.

If I listen to KZSU, my favorite programs include:

Sports. Comments or specifics:

Music. Comments or specifics:

News/Public Affairs. Comments or specifics:

What would it take to get you to listen to KZSU more often? (Or any additional comments.)
Overall, if you ever listen to KZSU, how do you rate its quality?

Dunno. Bad. Fair. Good. Super.

. .

This survey is anonymous. If you'd like to identify yourself, please do so in the space for comments above. You may also wish to register for our mailing list.

KZSU Stanford.

Comments and questions should be send to webmaster@kzsu.Stanford.EDU.