(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
What's New Right Now
This page covers recent additions or changes to UT-LANIC, the field of Latin American studies, and the Web
Latin Americanists are encouraged to submit announcements of their new on-line services and home pages.
March 15, 1996
What's New in
Latin American Studies
What's New in UT-LANIC:
March 8
- A new Trinidad & Tobago
page has been added to the Country Directory.
- A link to Listas Hispanoamericanas de Bibliotecología
has been added to our Libraries page.
March 7
- The Cinema page
has been updated with a link to Mystery of the Maya - The Film.
March 6
- The Commission for Environmental Cooperation can now be found on
UT-LANIC's Environment page.
- CEPAL/ECLAC, the U.N.'s Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean, has been added to our Interdisciplinary Information
page. CEPAL can also be reached via the Economics page.
- The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters, AMARC,
can nowbe reached from our Radio & TV
- Recent additions to
the Jamaica page:
Economy: Basic Socio-Economic Data from the Inter American
Development Bank and the Jamaica Stock Exchange
General: Ethnologue Database and Introduction to Jamaica, a good
directory assembled by Arlene Laing
Network & Information Services:InfoChannel; Jamaica Online;
and Network Startup Resource Center
- ARCAS is dedicated to the conservation of wildlife in northern
March 5
- The Logos Group Dictionary has been added to our
Reference and
Languages pages.
- The Haiti page has
been updated with the following links:
Business & Economy: Basic Socio-Economic Data from the
Inter-American Development Bank
General: Network Startup Resource Center - Haiti
Government: Mission des Naciones-Unies en Haiti
News & Periodicals: Croissance Economique; Dans
l'actualite; and This Week in Haiti
Other Resources: Canadian Contingent to the U.N. in Haiti;
Haiti Archives; Haiti Center; and Haiti Online
March 4
- Recent additions to the Dominican Republic page:
Economy: Basic Socio-Economic Data from the Inter-American
Development Bank
General: Republica Dominicana Maps from Caribbean-On-Line
Network and Information Services:Internet in the Dominican
Republic by J. Vasquez; Network Startup Resource Center
News & Periodicals: Mercado Magazine;
news:soc.culture.dominican-rep; Resumen Diario
March 1
- The Peru page has been
updated with a direct link to the server of the Congreso de la Republica.
Look toward the bottom of the page under "Resources in Peru by Type of
February 29
- A link to CUIB (Centro Universitario de Investigaciones
Bibliotecologicas) has been added to our
Libraries page,
under the Mexico heading.
- The FSLN has a new web site listed in the Elections section of our
Nicaragua page.
- A link to Foreign Languages for Travelers has been added to our
Languages page.
February 28
- New links on the Cuba
Art: Cuba Museum Guide
Economy: Draft of a Cuban Law on Foreign Investment
Network & Information Services: Network Startup Resource Center
- Cuba
News & Periodicals: Noticias Sobre Cuba; TIPS Cuban
Other Resources: Cuba History Archives; Cuba Internet
WWW Servers: CubaWeb
February 26
- Several new sites have been added to the Barbados page. Though
still small relative to our other country pages, we expect the Barbados
page to enjoy steady growth in the future.
February 23, 1996
- The Uruguay home page
has seen some growth recently:
Republica Oriental del Uruguay
Embassy of Uruguay-Washington, D.C.
Embassy of Uruguay-Embassies Ottawa
News & Newsgroups:
Radio El Espectador-810 AM
WWW Servers:
Colegio Jose Pedro Varela
Instituto Nacional de Investigacin Agropecuaria
Gopher Servers:
Red Academica Uruguaya
Red Educativa Uruguaya
- Several new links have been added to the Ecuador home page:
Academic Research Resources:
Centro de Estudios Interamericanos
Study Abroad in Cuenca-Kentucky Institute for International Studies
Summer Spanish Program in the Andes-Augustana College
Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Y Censos (INEC)
News & Newsgroups
Revista El Idolo(Barcelona S.C.)
WWW Servers:
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Gopher Servers:
February 22, 1996
- The Chile page has been
newly endowed with several more links to
WWW servers:
Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory (CTIO)
European Southern Observatory (ESO) La Silla
Universidad del Bio-Bio
Universidad Catolica del Norte
Universidad de la Frontera
Universidad de Tarapaca
Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
UVA Multimedia WWW
- The Cinema page
has been updated with a link to UVA Cine in Santiago, Chile. This
site contains a comprehensive cartelera cinematografica and
promises real time videos.
February 21, 1996
- The following links have been recently added to our Argentina page:
Directorio Nacional Argentino
News & Newsgroups:
Apertura-revista de negocios
Argentina Web TV
La Maga-noticias de cultura
LU6 Radio Atlantica
Periodismo x Periodistas
Science & Technology:
Agroquimicos de Argentina
Earthwatch-Scientific Expeditions in Argentina
Union Matematica Argentina
- The following links have been recently added to our Chile page:
Academic Research Resources:
Chile-University of California Education Abroad Program
Chile Schools-Worldwide Classroom-LIP
Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago
Camara Nacional de Comercio de Chile
Chilean-American Chamber of Commerce
Chile Electronic Yellow Pages
Indice de Nexus-Webs en Chile (w/ search engine)
Teletrece canal de la television chilena
Science & Technology:
Chile-Network Startup Resource Center
Travel & Tourism:
Chile City.Net
Destination Chile Lonely Planet
February 20, 1996
- The following links have been recently added to our Argentina page:
Arts & Humanities:
The Jorges Luis Borges Center for Studies and Documentation
Literatura Argentina Contemporanea
Texas Argentine Chamber of Commerce
Argentina!--Middlebury College
Chaco-Province of Chaco--Office of Planning
Departamento de Informacion Legislativa
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
News & Newsgroups:
Argentine Human Rights Information
E-mail and Connectivity-Argentina FAQ
Travel and Tourism:
Lonely Planet Destination Argentina
WWW Servers:
Biblioteca Central de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad Nacional del Litoral
- Six more papers have been added to the LASA 95 Papers Pilot Project
Page . Watch for new additions over the next few days.
February 19, 1996
- Several new gateways were added to the Brazil page.
The Gateway to Brazilian Education on the Web lists both K-12
and university sites on the Internet. Let us know about your institution
by clicking on the "ADD" button in the header. Embratel's WWW Index
and Yaih? Diretorio de Servicios da Internet Brasileira can now be found
on our Brazil page.
- Ambito Financiero, an on-line financial journal from Argentina,
can now be accessed through the Periodicals section on the Business & Finance
page. Back issues to December 1995 availible.
- Follow the link to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on the
page. Look for the sub-heading International Organizations.
February 16, 1996
- The first server in El Salvador is up.
- Resumen de Noticias de Honduras has been added to our
Honduras page.
- Two new Web servers are up and running in
Guatemala: the
INCAP and the Universidad del Valle.
- The Military
page now includes a link to Chile's Ministerio de Defensa Nacional.
- A new website for the Ministerio de Agricultura in Chile replaces the
outdated gopher site. Follow the link on the Agriculture page
February 14, 1996
- The Rainforest Action Network (RAN), an important site for
environmental political activism has been added to our
Environment page. RAN contains superb links to global
campaigns to preserve rainforests worldwide, including rainforests
in Brazil, Venezuela and Costa Rica.
- Visit LANIC's two new pages in the Subject Directory: the Astronomy page
includes links to observatories and related sites in Latin America, while Radio-TV lists the
sites for broadcast stations throughout the region, including K-INT in
Mexico which offers news files in audio and text format.
- Peru page update: Check
out the new link to the Ministerio Publico - Fiscalia de la Nacion. Here
you will find detailed information on various aspects of the Peruvian
judicial system.
February 13, 1996
- A link to Peliculas Peruanas, one of the few online sources of
information on Peruvian film, can now be found on both the Cinema page
and the Peru page.
February 8, 1996
- The Economy
page has been further updated with a link to the Brazilian
Economic Issues page housed at the Brazilian Embassy in London.
Look under the country heading Brazil.
February 7, 1996
- Latin America's Regional Integration Process, a Background
Report prepared by Britain's Foreign & Commonwealth Office, has
been linked from the Trade section of the Economy page.
The report contains information on various trade pacts and regional
integration agreements in Latin America.
February 6, 1996
- A link to Documentary Educational Resources has been added to the Cinema page. Here you
will find information on various documentaries featuring Latin American
subject matter.
- Argentina's Ministerio de Defensa has a website. Follow the link on
the Military
January 31, 1996
- The Military
page has been updated with links to the Brazilian Embassy
in London. The Embassy has assembled informative profiles of the Brazilian
Air Force, Army and Navy.
January 30, 1996
- Two new sites have been added to our Colombia page: the "El
Tiempo" daily newspaper, and the national statistics agency, DANE.
- "Hondutel", the telephone company from
Honduras, has a
new website.
- Another set of economic indicators, compiled by the Mexican Consulate
in New York, has been added to our Economics page. Look
for the link under Country Resources, Mexico.
- A link to the U.S. Department of Commerce's Big Emerging Markets web
site has been added to our Business and
Finance page. Here you will find country reports on Argentina,
Brazil, and Mexico.
January 28, 1996
- The "Centro de Estudios de Guatemala" has been added to our
Guatemala page.
January 26, 1996
- Several new sites for health are open in Brazil. They've been added to
the Brazil page;
Programa de Quimica Fina para o Combate `a Tuberculose, Leishmaniasis
Network, Organizacao Pan-Americana da Saude, Fiocruz (Fundacao Oswaldo
Cruz), Instituto de Medicina Social e de Criminologia de Sao Paulo) -
InfoDrogas, and HC - Hospital das Clinicas.
- The Border Trade Institute, at Texas A & M International University,
has been added to our NAFTA
Resources page.
January 25, 1996
- "Our Island in the Sun" is now linked from our
Barbados page.
January 24, 1996
- The Santiago Stock Exchange now has a web site. The old link on
the Business &
Finance page, which pointed to the Exhange's gopher, has been
redirected to the new web site.
January 23, 1996
- A link to Cinema Brazil, hosted by the IBASE server, has been added
to the Cinema page.
- Detailed information on Venezuela's economy provided by the
Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C. can now be accessed from the Economy page. Look
for the link to Economic Aspects of Venezuela under Country
Resources. Two newsgroups have also been added to the Economy page. You can
find the links under the heading Periodicals and News Sources.
- The international section of the Business
& Finance page has been updated with a link to London's Financial
January 19, 1996
- LASPAU, Academic and Professional Programs for the
Americas, based at Harvard, has been added to our Latin American
Studies Institutions page.
- Costa Rica Netguide's page on Investment Opportunities can be
accessed via a new link on the Business & Finance
- The Economy
page now has a link to Colombia's Departamento Administrativo Nacional de
Estadistica, DANE.
- Also new on the Economy
page is a link to the Indice de Precos ao Consumidor na Cidade do Recife
provided by the Fundacao Joaquim Nabuco.
- Estadisticas Agropecuarias y Pesqueras collected by Argentina's
Ministerio de Economia can be found on the Agriculture page.
January 17, 1996 - Prensa
Libre is the first
Guatemalan daily
newspaper to appear on the Web
January 12, 1996
- Two sites have been added to our Colombia page: the
Universidad Antonio Narino, and the Diario Occidente.
- You can now read the journal Boletin published by the
Asociacion de Economistas Independientes de Cuba. Follow the link on the Economy page.
January 11, 1996
- Diario Tiempo is the first publication from
Honduras to
appear on the Web.
- We have just added a link to the Instituto Nacional de
Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias in Mexico. The site is
still under construction but has some useful information. Check it out
on the Agriculture
- The new Web version of the Central America Update is now
accessible through our
News page.
- A link to the WorldTrade Executive, Inc. web site has been added to
the Business &
Finance page as well as the Economy page.
January 10, 1996
- You can now access the Jamaica Stock Exchange on the Business & Finance page.
- Three new WWW search services have been added to our Searchable Indexes
page:Inktomi, excite Netsearch, and the MetaCrawler.
- A link to current research projects of the Center for Latin American
Capital Markets Research can now be found on the Business & Finance page.
- Access the Camara de Comercio in Guayaquil, Ecuador through a new
link on the Business
& Finance page.
- The Educational Leadership Network (ELNET) has been added to our Mexico page.
- New links to Spanish language schools and educational travel have
been added to the Guatemala page.
January 8, 1996
- The Cinema page
has been updated with a link to "Cineclub Miraflores" in Peru.
January 7, 1996
- A new link to El Salvador Hoy, published by El Diario de
Hoy, now appears on our El Salvador page.
January 4, 1996
- Several additional sources for news and analysis from Mexico have
been added to our Mexico
page, including daily newspapers "El Imparcial" and "Siglo21," and
the recently-launched electronic magazine "Mexico Virtual."
46,596 accesses to this page.
For previous listings, see
What's New UT-LANIC
'95 Archives.
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