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Sybase Chromosome 3 Database

Database Instructions

This searchable database works like many others.
Simply input the text for which you wish to search into the field and press submit.

Search string can be

  1. STS name or alias, for example, D3S1305, MFD173, UT871, WI-1009, MYL3, g RAF etc.
  2. YAC name, for example, 796h1.

For an STS search, you will get:

  1. The genetic position for the STS.
  2. The primer sequences for the STS.
  3. The YACs specific for the STS.
  4. The YACs neighboring the STS.
Every YAC name listed can triger another YAC search when you click on it.

For a YAC search, you will get:

  1. YAC size information.
  2. The STS specific for the YAC.
Every STS name listed can triger another STS search when you click on it.

Enter a search string

Search for probes in the GDB Databse.

Query the CEPH/Genethon QUICKMAP database

YAC Data Search at the Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Center

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