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BIOSCI is a set of electronic communication forums - the bionet USENET newsgroups and parallel e-mail lists - used by biological scientists worldwide. No fees are charged for the service. BIOSCI is currently supported in the U.S. by a grant from DOE with equipment from NSF. The U.K. BIOSCI node is supported by the Daresbury Laboratory.

The U.S. BIOSCI node is currently looking for sponsors to help continue its work when the DOE grant ends. Sponsors will be able to have their logo displayed in any of numerous locations on our Web pages, have a hyperlink to their home page, and gain other advertising exposure through the BIOSCI documentation and BIOSCI presentations at scientific meetings. Please contact biosci-help@net.bio.net for details on how your organization can help BIOSCI continue its service to the biology community.

BIOSCI promotes communication between professionals in the biological sciences. All postings to the newsgroups should be made in that spirit. While the general public may "listen in" to the discussions, these newsgroups are intended primarily for communications between researchers. There are other forums on Usenet such as sci.bio.misc for the asking and answering of biological questions from lay persons.

An Important Message to our Readers
BIOSCI needs your help!

BIOSCI, Internet, and USENET Documentation
BIOSCI mailing list and newsgroup usage instructions, BIOSCI Frequently Asked Questions list and documentation about Internet and USENET in general.

Access the BIOSCI/bionet Newsgroups
WWW Interface to the BIOSCI/bionet newsgroups; includes a complete archive and searchable indexes of all BIOSCI/bionet newsgroup postings.

The BIOSCI BIO-JOURNALS/bionet.journals.contents Archive
Browse the tables of contents of all of the journals distributed on the BIO-JOURNALS/bionet.journals.contents newsgroup or search for references on the topic of your choice.

Search the BIOSCI user address database
Search the BIOSCI user address database by name, address, research interest, etc. All terms in each user entry are indexed.

Enter your personal information in the BIOSCI user address database
Online entry form for creating your personal entry in the BIOSCI user address database.

BIOSCI Web Statistics
Some usage statistics for the BIOSCI/bionet Web server.

Bioinformatics Servers
A catalog of useful Web sites for the Biosciences.

24 February 1996 / BIOSCI Administrator / biosci-help@net.bio.net