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How to Join Single Search

There are three types of membership:

Local Service - You wish to meet other singles in your local area. You can apply to join using our online form.

The America's Service - You wish to meet other singles who are searching for singles anywhere in the US, Canada, Mexico or South America. You can apply for The America's Service using our online form.

International Service - You wish to meet other singles who are searching for singles in one of the following: Europe, Asia, Australia or Africa. You can apply for International service using our online form.

The application fees are as follows:

After completing our on-line application form, you will be prompted for method of payment. If you select "Check", use the postal address below as a mailing address. If you select Visa/MC, send private email to singles@singlesearch.com giving us your account number, expiration date, and permission to charge your account the registration fee. Mail checks to:

Single Search National
13176 N Dale Mabry
Suite 202
Tampa, FL 33618

How It Works

Monthly you will be emailed a list of clients who match your specifications by 60% or more. The list contains the zip codes so you know where they live and the percentage that each matches you. From that list, you can order their complete detailed profile.

You can base your decision on either their geographic desirability or how close they come to being 100% of what you seek.

Your application fee adds you to the database for the month and allows you to receive the results of the month's match run. A match run costs $35 for local service, $45 for the America's service, and $45 for international service (matches guaranteed). Individual profiles are $7 for Local and The America's Service and $7 (US Funds) for International service.

Active or Passive Searching

Clients are not obligated to order profiles. You may wait until your profile is ordered and someone contacts you, or you may take the initiative. But, remember, if your goal is to find a life-partner, the more people you meet each month the faster probability odds will work in your favor.

Fill out the form, mail in your check, and let our computer system go to work finding your match!

Contact Information

We can answer questions by email at singles@singlesearch.com We can also be reached by [Top | More | Prices]