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Quincy and David On March 18th the press was invited to see Oscarcast producers Quincy Jones and David Salzman present a demonstration of The Envelope Please, The Official Interactive Guide to the Academy Awards on the World Wide Web. Here are some of the reporters who attended.

Name: Greg Harbaugh

Affiliation: Long Photography

All Time Favorite Film:

"Im here to take some photos "

Name: Neil Antin

Affiliation: Extra

All Time Favorite Film: Midnight Cowboy

"I'm here to take photos"

Name: Fred Prouser

Affiliation: Reuters

All Time Favorite Film: 2001 Space Odyssey

"I cover the Internet for Reuters"

Name: Ruben Perez

Affiliation: KCBS

All Time Favorite Film: Gone With the Wind.

"I'm here for the news story"

Name: Aaron Sonego

Affiliation: E! Entertainment

All Time Favorite Film: Waterworld

"I'm here for the on-line demo"

Name: Scott Fain

Affiliation: Fox-TV

All Time Favorite Film: Sneakers

"I'm here to cover the on-line site"

Name: Steve Skinner

Affiliation: Entertainment Tonight

All Time Favorite Film: Once Upon A Time in the West

"I'm here to see the Web site"

Name: Don Adams

Affiliation: Kodak

All Time Favorite Film: Il Postino

Name: Cater Lee

Affiliation: KTVK - Phoenix

All Time Favorite Film: Dead Man Walking

Name: Jeff Jensen

Affiliation: Advertising Age Magazine

All Time Favorite Film: Citizen Kane

"I'm here for the press conference"

Name: Sunny Chiang

Affiliation: American Chinese TV

All Time Favorite Film: Apollo 13

Name: Lisa Digiovine

Affiliation: E! Entertainment News

All Time Favorite Film: Sense and Sensibility

"I have no idea how this is all going to work"

Name: Genevieve Schmitt

Affiliation: Extra

All Time Favorite Film: Casablanca

"To see how it works"

Name: Ron Kilgore

Affiliation: KFWB - AM

All Time Favorite Film: Casablanca

"I love the Academy Awards Web site"

Name: Alicia Lee

Affiliation: KABC - TV News

All Time Favorite Film: Braveheart

"I am hoping to see Quincy Jones"

Name: Charlyne Tsou

Affiliation: Chinese Communication Channel

All Time Favorite Film: Apollo 13

"I came to see the Internet"

Name: Lynn Tso

Affiliation: Chinese TV Network

All Time Favorite Film: The Usual Suspect

"I came to see the Internet"
