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Principia Cybernetica Web ©

Author: Heylighen, Joslyn, Turchin,
Date: Mar 21, 1995 (modified); Aug 1993 (created)

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Table of Contents

The following provides a kind of "standard" ordering of the nodes in the Principia Cybernetica Web, in the form of an outline. This outline can be read as if it were the table of contents of a book, with subsequent chapters, sections, subsections, etc.  The outline corresponds to a tree with different hierarchical levels (a node on level n is the "parent" of its "children", the nodes of level n+1 which are linked to it). Many of the nodes are only planned, which means their text is still [empty].

Of course, a hypertext can be read in many different orderings, but we thought to provide some kind of a default order as a general guide to the reader. Many other "guides" or "paths" through the network are possible.

This outline is not in general complete or up-to-date. Consult the recent changes for added nodes. It also does not include entries in the Glossary or non-hypertext documents in our FTP repository.

Welcome to the Principia Cybernetica Web Introduction to Principia Cybernetica Philosophy Epistemology, introduction Metaphysics, introduction Process Metaphysics (Whitehead etc.) Ontology, introduction Ethics, introduction Cybernetics and Systems Theory What are Cybernetics and Systems Science? What is Systems Theory? The Nature of Cybernetic Systems Cybernetics and Systems Science in Academics Existing Cybernetic Foundations Cybernetic Technology Cyberspace Cybernetic Theory and Cybernetic Practice Cybernetics and Systems Science and Academic Work Relation to other disciplines, 'sciences of complexity' [empty] History of Cybernetics and Systems Science [empty] ASC/INDEXASC Basic Books on Cybernetics and Systems Science Basic Papers on Cybernetics and Systems Science Cybernetics and Systems Science Compendia Cybernetics and Systems Journals Cybernetics and Systems Societies IAC - International Association for Cybernetics Mailing Lists and Newsgroups on Cybernetics and Systems Cybernetic Technology (cloned) The Need for Principia Cybernetica Cybernetics and the Integration of Knowledge Principia Cybernetica & Principia Mathematica Principia Cybernetica as a Universal Knowledge System for Cybernetics and Systems Science Specific Goals for Principia Cybernetica What is the meaning of life? History of the Principia Cybernetica Project First public introduction of the Principia Cybernetica Project Progress Report: 5 years of PCP The Cybernetic Manifesto Reactions, discussions, comments Criticisms of Principia Cybernetica Principia Cybernetica Web and the "Best of the Web" awards Principia Cybernetica in "Wired" magazine References to Principia Cybernetica in different servers Search strings entered in the PCP-index Context of Principia Cybernetica Principia Cybernetica-related research in systems and cybernetics Metasystem Transition Theory Multiple Beginnings, Meta-Foundationalism Multiple axiomatization sets, a metaphor for metafoundationalism Meaning Goes First [empty] Distinction foundations: evolution of meaning [empty] Physical Constructivism Metaphysics The meaning of metaphysics Knowledge and will From Kant to Schopenhauer Action Agent Event Emergence Domain Distinction [empty] Freedom God [empty] Pantheism [empty] Atheism Basic Concepts of Science State of the world Space Time Historic record Objectification Causality Object Process Number Infinity Continuous vs. discrete Observation Experiment [empty] System Order [empty] Hierarchy [empty] Procedure [empty] Machine [empty] Historic record (cloned) Epistemology Knowledge Model Prediction ``Meta-Cognitive'' Reasoning Variety Minimax The Principle of Incomplete Knowledge Evolutionary approach to Epistemology [empty] Reflection-correspondence theory Subject of knowledge: "I" Intuition Doubt Language Message Syntax Semantics Meaning Command Statement Instrumental meaning Concept Abstraction Human language Neuronal vs. logical concepts Formalization Four types of linguistic activities Truth Statement of infiniteness The law of the excluded middle Predicate Proof Verification Refutation [empty] Foundation of logic and mathematics Plausibility [empty] Fuzzy logic and sets [empty] Probability Theories versus facts Systems Concepts Foundational Concepts System (cloned) Evolutionary Theory The trial-and-error method [empty] Self-reproduction [empty] Blind Variation and Selective Retention The Principle of Selective Retention The Principle of Asymmetric Transitions Asymmetric Transitions: an illustration Definition of Fitness in terms of transition probabilities The Principle of Blind Variation The Principle of Autocatalytic Growth The Principle of Selective Variety The Principle of Recursive Systems Construction The Red Queen Principle The generalized "Peter Principle" The Growth of Complexity Evolutionary Systems Cybernetics Control Information [empty] Communication [empty] Goal [empty] Feedback [empty] Regulation [empty] Conflict [empty] Control hierarchy [empty] Semantic Control Principles of Systems and Cybernetics Blind Variation and Selective Retention (cloned) The Principle of Autocatalytic Growth (cloned) The Principle of Selective Variety (cloned) The Principle of Recursive Systems Construction (cloned) The Law of Requisite Variety Law of Requisite Constraint The Law of Requisite Knowledge Law of Requisite Hierarchy The Principle of Incomplete Knowledge (cloned) Closures The Metasystem Transition MST as the quantum of evolution [empty] Control hierarchy (cloned) [empty] Freedom and Constraint in a Metasystem Transition Integration and differentiation [empty] Branching Growth of the penultimate level [empty] The History of Evolution in Terms of Metasystem Transitions Prebiotic Evolution [empty] Biological Evolution The Origins of Life Multicellular organisms [empty] Sexuality as a Metasystem Transition Cognitive Evolution (stages) Irritability [empty] Reflex [empty] Learning [empty] Human thinking [empty] Play [empty] Making tools [empty] Imagination [empty] Planning [empty] The feeling of funny [empty] The feeling of beautiful [empty] Highest values [empty] Creation of language [empty] Self-knowledge [empty] Social Evolution (aspects) Human society [empty] Sociobiology [empty] Production system [empty] Barter [empty] Money [empty] Market [empty] Primitive production system [empty] Slavery [empty] Capitalism [empty] Socialism [empty] Political system [empty] Political system (cloned) [empty] Primitive tribe [empty] Empire [empty] Nation state [empty] Aristocratic rule [empty] Oligarchy [empty] Democracy [empty] Human rights [empty] Separation of powers [empty] Legislative power [empty] Executive power [empty] Juditiary [empty] Separation of powers (cloned) [empty] Spiritual system [empty] Primitive culture [empty] Religion [empty] Scientific worldview [empty] Individualism vs. collectivism [empty] Institutionalization of values [empty] The future of human society [empty] Superorganisms [empty] Cosmic role of humankind [empty] Memetics Structure of memes Memetic Selection Criteria Competition between Memes and Genes Memes: Introduction Memetic Lexicon Evolution of Cooperation Zero sum games Social Integration [empty] Human super-being [empty] Culture [empty] Collective brain of humanity [empty] Science in evolution [empty] The Future of Evolution Memetic Evolution Cybernetic Immortality Super- and/or Meta-being(s) From World-Wide Web to Super-Brain Ethics Knowledge and will (cloned) Science and human values Evolution as the Fundamental Value Survival Growth [empty] The Red Queen Principle (cloned) The generalized "Peter Principle" (cloned) The problem of suboptimization The Prisoners' Dilemma Evolutionary origin of ethical systems [empty] Human freedom [empty] Will for immortality Metaphysical immortality Creative immortality Biological immortality [empty] Cybernetic Immortality (cloned) Integration and freedom Project Organization Management of Principia Cybernetica Collaborative Knowledge Development Gathering a variety of contributions Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Hypertext web as a semantic network Semantic Analysis Progressive formalization Consensus Building collaborative granularity [empty] Contributors Collaborators Needed Tasks with which you can help List of contributors About J. Bollen His doings. About Francis Heylighen About "Representation and Change" F. Heylighen: Biographical Sketch About Cliff Joslyn Currriculum Vitae Cliff Joslyn About Valentin Turchin BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES ON VALENTIN TURCHIN About Stuart Umpleby The PRNCYB-L Electronic Mailing List Subscription to PRNCYB-L PRNCYB-L Subscribers PRNCYB-L usage instructions Web Organization How to use Principia Cybernetica Web Node Organization Hypertext web as a semantic network (cloned) Structure of PCP Web Tree of FTP directories Principia Cybernetica Meetings CALL FOR PAPERS: Symposium : The Evolution of Complexity Bibliography on Principia Cybernetica Reactions, discussions, comments (cloned) Overview of Principia Cybernetica Specific Goals for Principia Cybernetica (cloned) An Evolutionary Philosophy Ethics (cloned) A Constructivist, "Metacognitive" Epistemology A Process Metaphysics Form and Content Editorial Board About J. Bollen (cloned) Bibliography on Principia Cybernetica (cloned) Principia Cybernetica Meetings (cloned) Collaborators Needed (cloned) The PRNCYB-L Electronic Mailing List (cloned) On Semantic Analysis and Consensus Building Internet Resources related to Principia Cybernetica Table of Contents Searchable Index Alphabetical Index Recent Changes/Additions User Annotations Changes/Additions 1993 94 Node usage statistics The Free University of Brussels Things to see in Brussels Belgium: Overview Belgium: character and culture

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