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Schools on the Net

Everyday, more K-12 schools connect to the Internet. Some have only basic email connections, perhaps through a community network or state agency resource. Others purchase accounts from Internet service providers, or use commercial online services with links to the Internet, like Prodigy, America Online, or Compuserve.

More and more frequently, however, schools are acquiring direct Internet service, connections that allow them to function as publishers as well as consumers of information. Many of these schools establish their own WWW sites and some, like the Mendocino Unified School District, even go on to provide network service to their surrounding communities.

A number of people dilligently maintain indexes of K-12 schools with Internet sites. Some of the best are those by Gleason Sackman (no fancy layout but very complete) and Janice Abrahams & John Clement (includes lots of technical information about IP addresses, number of accounts, and such), and Tony Villasenor (concentrates on non-U.S. schools).

The award for "Most Accessible Index", though, has to go the folks at Web66 who, among their other most excellent services, bring you the following interactive maps.

Icon WWW Schools Registry

If you know of any other schools with WWW servers, please e-mail schools@web66.coled.umn.edu. If you are interested in setting up your own WWW server, visit Web66.

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The Web66 folks also have listings of schools in other countries.

Global School Listings

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This page wa last updated on 12/21/1995