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ResComp Acceptable Use Policy

Residential Computing Acceptable Use Policy

Send comments or questions to dane@rescomp.stanford.edu.

Residential Computing at Stanford University provides computer clusters and in-room connection services in selected on-campus residences in support of the educational mission of the University. It is the responsibility of each resident to use these services appropriately and in compliance with all University, City, County, State, and Federal laws and regulations.

Residential Network Acceptable Use Policy

Residential Computing has adopted the following regulations on the use of the residential computing network:

Computer Cluster Acceptable Use Policy

The Residential Computing clusters are provided as productive work environments for students and members of the residence community. The primary use of these resources is for work related to academics. All other uses are considered secondary.



Problems or violations of any sort regarding the use of the computer clusters or residential computer network should first be reported to your local Resident Computer Coordinator.

Overall Acceptable Use Policies

Use of the Residential Computing and Networking resources at Stanford University is governed by The Fundamental Standard. Non-student users (e.g., resident fellows, spouses, and children) are also expected to abide by the spirit of the Fundamental Standard and all guidelines mentioned herein when using these resources.

Stanford's sexual harassment policy covers all uses of electronic technology and communication on campus, including e-mail correspondences and newsgroups. Refer to the Sexual Harassment Policy for further information and a description of your options for addressing sexual harassment. The Understanding Stanford's Sexual Harassment Policy document contains additional information, and a list of contact and resource people. For further assistance, contact the Sexual Harassment Policy Coordinating Adviser at 3-3682, or send e-mail to harass@leland.

Use of the Stanford UNIX computer facilities is outlined in The Leland Systems Computer Usage Policies.

A Proposed University-wide Computer Usage Policy is also currently in review by the Faculty Senate.

Failure to comply with any of the above policies may result in termination of in-room network services, loss of computer cluster use privileges, prosecution by the University based on Fundamental Standard violations for students, standard disciplinary procedures for faculty and staff, and/or criminal prosecution.

Residential Computing reserves the right to terminate any in-room or cluster computer connection without notice should it be determined that network traffic generated from said connection drastically inhibits or interferes with the use of the network by others.

Student violations of the above policies will be handled through the Office of Residential Computing and the Judicial Affairs Office; other violations will be referred, as appropriate, to the Provost's Office, Personnel Services, and/or the Stanford University Police Department.

Questions about this policy or whether a particular activity would violate it should be addressed to the Office of Residential Computing (3-4800, dane@rescomp.stanford.edu).

Acceptable Use Policies at Other Academic Institutions

The University of Missouri maintains a collection of computing policies from around the world, with discussions about the various issues, etc. A similar Computer Policy and Critiques Archive is maintained by the Electronic Frontier Foundataion.
Residential Computing
Stanford University
2nd Floor, Wilbur Hall