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Department of Meteorology, University of Reading
2 Earley Gate, Whiteknights, PO Box 239, Reading RG6 6AU, UK.

Meteorology Department - Publication List

Frontal Wave Stability during Moist Deformation Frontogenesis Part I: Linear Wave Dynamics.
Bishop, Craig H. & Thorpe, Alan J., Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51, 852-873 (1994)
Frontal Wave Stability during Moist Deformation Frontogenesis : Part II Linear Wave Dynamics.
Bishop, Craig H. & Thorpe, Alan J., Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51, 874-888 (1994)
Potential vorticity and the electrostatics analogy: Quasi-Geostrophic theory.
Bishop, Craig H. & Thorpe, Alan J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 713-731 (1994)
Structure of a Frontal Cyclone.
Browning, K.A & Roberts, N.M.., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1535-1557 (1994)
An idealized study of African easterly waves II: a nonlinear view.
Thorncroft, C.D. & Hoskins, B.J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 983-1015 (1994)
An idealized study of African easterly waves I: a linear view.
Thorncroft, C.D. & Hoskins, B.J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 953-982 (1994)
Life- cycle of a frontal cyclone.
Browning, K.A., Meteorological Applications, 1, 233-235 (1994)
The influence of Antarctica on the momentum budget of the southern extratropics.
Juckes, M.N. James, I.N. & Blackburn, M, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1017-1044 (1994)
Studies of the radiative properties of ice and mixed phase clouds.
Sun, Zhian & Shine, Keith P, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 111-137 (1994)
An observational and theoretical study of the radiative properties of cirrus.
Francis, P.N. , Jones, A., Saunders, R.W. Shine, K.P., Slingo, A. & Sun, Z., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 809-848 (1994)
Storm tracks in a high resolution GCM with doubled carbon dioxide.
Hall, N. Hoskins, B.J., Valdes, P. & Senior, C.A., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1209-1230 (1994)
Wave-zonal interaction and ultra-low frequency variability in a simplified global circulation model.
James, P.M., Fraedrich, K. & James, I. H., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1045-1067 (1994)
Linear dynamics of wind waves in coupled turbulent air-water flow.
Belcher, S. E., Harris, J.A. & Street, R.L., Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 271, 119-151 (1994)
Drift, partial drift and Darwin's proposition.
Eames, I. Belcher, S.E. & Hunt, J.C.R., Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 275, 201-223 (1994)
Krypton- 85 Pollution and Atmospheric Electricity.
Harrison, R.G., Atmospheric Environment, 28, 637-648 (1994)
A One -Dimensional Study of Possible Cirrus Cloud Feedbacks.
Sinha, Ashok & Shine, Keith P, Journal of Climate, 7, 158-173 (1994)
Radioactive Aerosol Charging with Spatially Varying Ion Concentrations.
Clement, C.F., Calderbank, D.M.J. & Harrison, R.G., Journal of Aerosol Science, 25, 623-637 (1994)
Atmospheric general circulation models of the Jurassic.
Valdes, Paul, Phil Trans Roy Soc London (B), 341, 317-326 (1993)
Climate Sensitivity and Tropical Moisture Distribution.
Sinha, Ashok, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 3707-3716 (1994)
A Simple Method of Dopplerizing a Pulsed Magnetron Radar.
Li, Hua, Illingworth, A.J. & Eastment, Jon, Microwave Journal, 226-236 (1994)
Evolution of the Stratosphere during Northern Winter 1991/2 from UK Met. Office analyses.
O'Neill, Alan. Grose, W.L.,Pope, V.D., Maclean, H. & Swinbank, R., Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51, 2800- (1994)
Satellite-derived rainfall estimates over Africa: Validation & use in monitoring climate change.
Dugdale, G., Proc NATO Advanced Research Workshop (1993)
Remote Sensing for Agricultural Meteorology.
Milford, James R, (In) Handbook of Agricultural Meteorology, 102-114 (1994)
Contribution of Meteorological Satellites to agriculture & hydrological hazard warning.
Grimes, D., Dugdale, G. & Milford, J.R., Proc Royal Society Meeting on Natural Hazards (1994)
Introduction to Circulating Atmospheres.
James, Ian N., Cambridge Atmospheric & Space Science Series (1994)
Radiative Forcing due to Changes in Ozone.
Shine, Keith P. et al, (In) Atmospheric Ozone as a Climate Gas (1995)
Mesoscale convective complexes in Sahelian Africa as observed by Meteosat.
Haile, M. Milford, J.R. & Dugdale, G., Proc 10th Meteosat Users Confererce, 255-266 (1994)
Rainfall Estimation over Southern Africa (Poster Display).
Thorne, Virginia A, Proc 10th Meteosat Users Confererce (1994)
'Weather Typing' Studies over West Africa using METEOSAT and other Data.
Dugdale, G,. Milford, J.R.& Thorncroft, C., Proc 10th Meteosat Users Confererce, 227-236 (1994)
Report of COST 75 Working Group Three: Multiparameter Radars.
Illingworth, A.J., COST 75 Int Seminar on Advanced Weather Radar (1994)
Development of an Atlantic Frontal Wave During IOP 3 of Fronts 92.
Clough, Sid A. & Davitt, Clare S.A, Procs Int Symp Life Cycles of Extratropical, 2, 151-56 (1994)
Diagnostic Study of a Narrow cold-frontal rainband & severe winds associated with a stratospheric.
Browning, K.A. & Reynolds, R., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 235-57 (1994)
Mean climate & transience in the UGAMP GCM: Sensitivity to convective parametrization.
Slingo, J., Blackburn, M.,Betts, A., Brugge, R., Hodges, K. Hoskins, B.,Miller, M. Steenman-Clark, L. &, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 881-922 (1994)
The impact of changing the horizontal diffusion scheme on the northern winter climatology of a general.
Stephenson, David B, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 121, 211-226 (1995)
Simulation of the semi-annual oscillation of the equatorial middle atmosphere using the Extended UGAMP.
Jackson, D.R. & Gray, L.J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1559-88 (1994)
Tides in the extended UGAMP GCM.
Jackson, D.R., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1589-1611 (1994)
On the Thermodynamics of Subduction.
Marshall, David & Marshall, John, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25, 138- (1995)
The Direct Response to Tropical Heating in a Baroclinic Atmosphere.
Jin, Feifei & Hoskins, Brian J., Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 52, 307-19 (1995)
Use of a flux-limited scheme for vertical advection in a GCM.
Thuburn, J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 119, 469-87 (1993)
Baroclinic wave life cycles, climate simulations & cross isenotrope mass flow in a hybrid isenotropic GCM.
Thuburn, J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 119, 489-508 (1993)
Dissipation and cascades to small scales in numerical models using a shape preserving advection scheme.
Thuburn, J., Monthly Weather Review, 123, 1888-1903 (1995)
Stratospheric modelling within UGAMP.
Thuburn, J., ECMWF Workshop on the Stratosphere & Numerical (1993)
First results from a 3-dimensional middle atmospheric model.
Gray, L.J.,Blackburn, M.,Chipperfield,M.P.,Haigh, J.D., Jackson, D.R., Shine, K.P. Thuburn, J. & Zhong,W., Advances in Space Research, 363-372 (1993)
Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) - Intraseasonal Oscillations in 15 Atmospheric GCMs -.
Slingo, J.M. et al, WCRP 88 (1995)
The role of ozone induced diabatic heating anomalies in the quasi-biennial oscilletion.
Dingmin Li, K.P. Shine & Gray, L.J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 121, 937-943 (1995)
Simulated sensitivity of the earth's radiation budget to changes in cloud properties.
Sinha, A. & Shine, K.P., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 121, 797-819 (1995)
Has Human Activity Changed Our Climate?.
Shine, K.P., Rainbow Newsletter, 3-4 (1995)
The effect of anthropogenic sulfate and soot aerosol on the clear sky planetary radiation budget.
Haywood, J.M. & Shine, K.P., Geophysical Research Letters, 22, 603-606 (1995)
Workshop on weather Radar polarimetry for research and operational applications.
Illingworth, Anthony J. & Zrnic, Dusan, Bulletin American Meteorological Soc, 76, 555-558 (1995)
On the thermodynamics of subduction.
Marshall, David & Marshall, John, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25, 138-151 (1995)
On the feedback or the Rhines-Young pool on the ventilated thermocline.
Liu, Z., Pedlosky, J., Marshall, David & Warncke, T, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23, 1592- 96 (1993)
Resonance of Fofonoff's Mode in a Rotated Basin.
Marshall, David, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23, 970-978 (1993)
A comparison of two radiation schemes for calculating UV radiation.
de F. Forster, P.M. & Shine, Keith P., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 121, 1113-31 (1995)
Title Unknown.
Ju, Jianhua & Slingo, Julia, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 121, 1133-1168 (1995)

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Last updated 7 August 1995. This page is maintained by J.P.Lander@Reading.ac.uk.