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Marrakesh Express-Shop

The Shop

You can order any of the pieces below by moving to the order/feedback form at the end of this section. Be sure to note the item number of any pieces in which you are interested.

Floor pieces currently available

New Item (3/95)

#60 (50K/86K)

This area rug (5'3"x3'4") is in the Zemmour style, with a red ground and black and white design bands. It shows the influence of nearby Tiflet in the orange and turquoise "silk" (actually rayon) accents in the bands.  $150.

Item 23 

Item 45

Pillows currently available

Pillows are a bargain in Moroccan weaving since they offer miniature versions of the weaving designs, and have two different faces. The prices are small too, especially the embroidered ones. It's hard to find unique, hand-made items in this price range, and they make great gifts for discerning friends.

Item 46

The woven pillows are wool with white cotton designs and most are rectangular, 12"-18" wide and 18"-24" long. They usually have one face with a rug-like design and a plainer back with a few narrow design stripes.

Item 47A

Item 47B

Item 47C

Item 49B

Item 51A

Item 51B

Item 60

If shopping has piqued your interest and you'd like to see more examples of Moroccan rugs, click Gallery. Or order first (I don't want you to forget!), and then browse. You may also want to return to the Introduction .

To Order

If shopping has piqued your interest and you'd like to see more examples of Moroccan rugs, click Gallery. Or order first (I don't want you to forget!), and then browse. You may also want to return to the Introduction .

You can purchase with a credit card (by completing the order form below) or personal check. Shipping by insured UPS is included in the prices. Because it's difficult to fully appreciate a piece without seeing it and how it fits into your own setting, refunds (less the cost of mailing) are guaranteed. If you want to order or have any questions, you can use this feedback/order form, send me e-mail (sdavis@uslink.net), or send a letter or check to me at H.C. 83, Box 178, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472. In fact, I'm curious about how many people look at this information, and their reactions; I'd be very grateful if you'd take a moment and drop me a line! Suggestions are welcome.

Copyright (C) Susan S. Davis 1994. All rights reserved.