hide random home http://w3.ag.uiuc.edu/CAMF/WWW_System.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

About this Web Server

The ACES WWW Server was placed on-line in April, 1993, originally as a gopher server. As the WWW gained in popularity, we added our first HTTP capabilities in April, 1994. In Sept, 1994, we upgraded our server's hardware and added secondary HTTP server processes. In March, 1995, we added a backup server which automatically "steps in" if our primary should suffer a major crash.

We also provide a number of resources for use by information providers with materials based on our server system...

Usage Statistics:

Available from August, 1994.

Also, we have an idea which other pages are sending clients to our server. Check out the BackWeb.

There are currently 116.40 mb of documents & images on-line.

The Hardware:

IBM PS/2 90-0KF w/ 32mb RAM

486DX2-66 PCI w/ 16mb RAM { the backup server }

The Software:

Operating System:
Gopher Server: (port 70)
IBM EWS GoServe v2.47 by Mike Cowlishaw
HTTPD #1: (port 80)
IBM EWS GoServe v2.47 w/ custom REXX filter (GoHTTP System)
HTTPD #2: (port 8001)
IBM EWS GoServe v2.47 w/ custom REXX filter (GoHTTP System)
HTTPD #3: (port 8000)
IBM EWS GoServe v2.47 w/ custom REXX filter (GoHTTP System)

Resources Provided by the Management:

Our Plans:

We plan to expand our service capability by adding HTTP server processes on several ancillary machines, and by distributing demand/load among these machines.

UofI University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

ACES College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
ACES Microcomputer Facility
Last modified: 10:33am on 3/05/96
Suggestions and additions to: ACES-MicroLab@uiuc.edu