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Centre for Interactive Systems Research

Centre for Interactive Systems Research
Department of Information Science

What we do:

The Centre was established in 1987 and is concerned with the design and evaluation of interactive information retrieval systems and the investigation of human information seeking behaviour. Its research activities contributed to the 5A rating as a centre of excellence awarded to the Department of Information Science in the last research assessment of the Higher Education Funding Council. The scope of the research encompasses different applications:


Research projects have been funded principally by the British Library as well as by the Higher Education Funding Council, The Wellcome Trust, The Pilgrim Trust and the European Community. The Centre has also attracted some funding from commercial companies and undertakes consultancy work.

Funded Projects:

Where we are:

The Research Centre is part of the Dept. of Information Science in the School of Informatics at City University, and comprises academics and full- and part-time research staff, as well as PhD. students. The research staff are based in A206, which is near the St John Street entrance to the University.

Who we are

External call phone number of the departmental office: +44 0171 447 8000 extn.8382

Phone number of the fax machine: +44 0171 477 8584

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