(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Course Descriptions
Department of Computing Science
University of Alberta
If the information supplied below conflicts with that published in the 1995/1996
University of Alberta Calendar,
then the University of Alberta Calendar shall be considered the correct and
official document.
Undergraduate Courses
ENCMP 100 - Computer Programming for Engineers
Lec L1
Lec M1
Lec N1
Lec P1
Lec Q1
Lec R1
Lec S1
CMPUT 114 - Introduction to Computing Science
CMPUT 115 - Programming with Data Structures
CMPUT 161 - Introduction to Personal Computing
CMPUT 172 - Formal Systems and Logic in Computing Science
CMPUT 201 - Practical Programming Methodology
CMPUT 204 - Algorithms I
CMPUT 251 - Introduction to Programming for Scientific Applications
CMPUT 252 - Elements of Scientific Computing
CMPUT 280 - Computer Organization and Architecture I
CMPUT 285 - Computer Organization and Architecture II
CMPUT 291 - Introduction to File and Database Management
CMPUT 304 - Algorithms II
CMPUT 311 - Introduction to Computer Graphics
CMPUT 313 - Telecommunications and Computers
CMPUT 325 - Non-Procedural Programming Languages
CMPUT 329 - Computer Design and VLSI
CMPUT 340 - Introduction to Numerical Methods
CMPUT 379 - Operating Systems Concepts
CMPUT 391 - Database Management Systems
CMPUT 400 - Industrial Internship Practicum
CMPUT 401 - Software Engineering
CMPUT 406 - Introduction to Image Processing
CMPUT 412 - Mobile Robotics
CMPUT 415 - Compiler Design
CMPUT 418 - Numerical Analysis: Numerical Algebra
CMPUT 419 - Numerical Analysis: Numerical Approximation
CMPUT 422 - Analysis of Computer Systems I
CMPUT 425 - Object-Oriented Programming Languages
CMPUT 451 - Artificial Intelligence
CMPUT 429 - Computer Systems and Architecture
CMPUT 474 - Formal Languages, Automata, and Computability
CMPUT 485 - Systems Programming
CMPUT 495 - Honors Seminar
Graduate Courses
CMPUT 504 - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
CMPUT 506 - Topics in Graph Theory
CMPUT 507 - Parallel Programming
CMPUT 508 - Topics in Software Specification and Verification
CMPUT 509 - Topics in Image Processing or Vision
CMPUT 510 - Topics in Object-Oriented Database Systems, Interoperability, and Beyond
CMPUT 511 - Computer Graphics
CMPUT 512 - Introduction to Robotics
CMPUT 513 - Computer Networks
CMPUT 516 - Fundamentals of Distributed Systems
CMPUT 518 - Topics in Numerical Analysis
CMPUT 535 - Parallel and Multiprocessor Architectures
CMPUT 551 - Artificial Intelligence: Representation and Reasoning
CMPUT 572 - Topics in the Science of Algorithms
CMPUT 593 - Distributed Database Systems
CMPUT 622 - Research Methods
CMPUT 654 - Topics in High Speed Networks
CMPUT 661 - Software Process and Quality
CMPUT 665 - Logic Foundations of Knowledge, Belief and Reasoning
January 12, 1996