(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Becoming a WWW information provider in the UofA CS dept
Our WWW server is configured such that individual users can
make information available to the web from their home account.
(or as it is generally known: "Set up a home page")
This document provides information on how to get set up so
that you too can become a WWW provider, right from your home directory.
Information for experienced WWW/HTML authors
- Also available is a list of Icons
installed on our WWW server. This includes other generic
icon information.
Tutorial Information for WWW beginners: PLEASE READ THESE
If you are going to start writing documents, then you'll need to know
something about writing Hyptertext (HTML). A very basic beginner's guide
is available on-line
from NCSA. (in Mosaic, you find this under the Help Menu)
A quick reference guide is
also available.
You should also read these documents on WWW
writing etiquette, and
writing style.
Fill-in Forms and CGI programs
Here are some painfully basic guides to writing Forms and CGI
programs. They should at least give you the flavour of the process,
and point you in the rigth direction to learn more.
Some Other Guides and References
Introduction to HTML documentation :
This document, from the University of Toronto, is very well done.
It expands upon the above beginners guides.
- Are you planning on using backgrounds, special font sizes, or other
Way-Cool netscape-enhancements in your HTML pages?
Please Think Twice.
Oct 19, 1995 --
-- (validated Oct 19/95)