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Message from the Chairman

A warm welcome to the Department of Computing Science. The department provides a diverse and lively academic environment for all of our members: students, support staff and faculty. We aspire to be an excellent department, providing rewarding educational experiences and undertaking stimulating and challenging research. In visiting our web pages, we hope you sense our excitement.

If you are a potential student, please do not hesitate to request more information if what you find is insufficient for your needs. We are particularly proud of both our undergraduate and graduate students and encourage you to join these illustrious groups.

If you are a visitor from industry, please visit our Industrial Internship Program (IIP) and our Industrial Partnership pages. These describe ways in which you can participate with our students, faculty and staff in cooperative educational and research and development programs. Increased industrial collaboration is one of the important initiatives we started in 1990.

If you are an alumnus, then we are most interested in hearing from you! Please register with our where are we now registry. We hope this registry will allow us to remain in contact with you and for you to renew contacts with your past classmates.

We are dedicated to continuously upgrading and improving these pages. Please do not hesitate to provide me with any suggestions about how our pages can be improved.

Please visit us often in cyperspace or real space!

Paul Sorenson, Professor & Chair
Department of Computing Science
University of Alberta

[UofA Home Page] [Computing Science Home Page] August 9, 1995