(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
UK Teacher Education Home Page : Bangor
A collection of pointers to Internet sources for teacher education. Some
of the pointers are there in "hope" rather than substance. However
you will find high quality material in some sources.
If you wish to contribute to these pages please e-mail Martin
Owen ( on or voice phone at +44 1248 382943 This
page has three groups of information:
The ITTE, Association
for Information Technology in Teacher Education , is represented here,
and you can browse the current
newsletter. We hope to add other associations in future.
University of Wales, Bangor
in particular our work on Europe and Telematics
Anglia Polytechnic University
Interesting and substantial collection of stuff from Ultralab. Ultralab
are a gateway site for the Schools-Online project.
University of Nottingham:
General Information and a substantial contribution form the Shell Centre
for Mathematics Education
University of Leicester:
has information about the STILE project, with pointers to independent learning
currently available on IT in schools and citizenship. There is also general
information on the department.
University of Wales Aberystwyth:
has general information on the department. thereis also specific material
on study skills and on media
University of
There are useful links to a number of educational resources here. From Novemeber
8th 1995 there will be a forum on multicultural
education .
University of Newcastle
under development
Northern College in Aberdeen and
Dundee have pages, including specific pages devoted to Business Education,
Educational Research and Social Sciences and Social Sciences. Northern Colleges
are also part of the REM Project coordinated
here at UWB.
Sheffield Hallam
under development
University of
under development
International Teacher Education
The Teacher Education
Internet Server
A server maintained by ITTE's partner organisation in the USA "SITE".
This contains useful USA pointers and curriculum material.
Reseau D'Instituion de Formation
A Commision for the European Communities funded network of Teacher Education
institutions. Although there is no direct presence on the Web, I have included
some information on the sub-networks which Bangor is actively involved and
information on other instituions who I know are active in teacher education
and are on the Web.
Other Sites of direct interest
The National Council for Educational Technology Pages contain up to date
information on their activities including teacher education.
The World Wide Web
Virtual Academy: Education
A collection of pointers to many of the key education information sources
on the Web.
The Social Science Information
Gateway An ESRC supported server which includes pointers to many useful
sources covering the social sciences including education.
Edweb A USA source which covers a
lot of Educational Web links. Informative for beginners and explorees of
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