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Web Sites with Cool PDF

These WWW sites have PDF files for your downloading and viewing pleasure. Make sure you have an Acrobat Reader and have configured it to work with the World-Wide Web -- here's how

This page is updated frequently. We add new entries to the end of the list.

Our Webmaster is now marking Very Impressive PDF sites *VIP*

Some special resources for April 15 and beyond...

1995 US Federal Taxforms from the IRS *VIP*
URL: http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/basic/forms_pubs/index.html
Arizona Tax Forms Online
URL: http://aspin.asu.edu/aztax/download.htm
California Franchise Tax Board
URL: http://www.ftb.ca.gov/html/forms/contents.html
Delaware Division of Revenue
URL: http://www.state.de.us/govern/agencies/revenue/detax.htm
Illinois Department of Revenue
URL: http://http.bsd.uchicago.edu/~idor/pubtypes.htm
Kansas Department of Revenue
URL: http://www.ink.org/public/kdor/taxforms.html
Minnesota Department of Revenue
URL: http://www.state.mn.us/ebranch/mdor/taxforms.html
Taxing Times 1996 *VIP*
URL: http://www.scubed.com/tax/tax.html

Tandem Computers - WWW Home Page
URL: http://www.tandem.com/
NPPA Electronic Photojournalism Workshop Home Page (updated!) *VIP*
URL: http://sunsite.unc.edu/nppa/epw7/stories/assignment7.html
URL: http://sunsite.unc.edu/nppa
Adobe Systems -- we've got more PDF files on our public ftp server
URL: ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/Acrobat/PDFsamples/
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
The Wharton Information Network *VIP*
See: Wharton Publications Online
See: Wharton Computing Information Online
Epublish -- Internet Publishing *VIP*
URL: http://www.fullfeed.com/epub/index.html
U of I Campus Administrative Manual
URL: http://www.uiuc.edu/admin_manual/cam/toc.html
Assorted PDFs at Michigan State University
URL: gopher://burrow.cl.msu.edu/11/more_about/acrobat
Oberlin Alumni Magazine is online in PDF
URL: http://www.oberlin.edu/alumni/alum_mag.html
US Patent and Trademark Office has some online transcripts in PDF
URL: http://www.uspto.gov/hearings.html
Dial-A-Book Inc. -- home of the Download Bookstore *VIP*
URL: http://dab.psi.net/DialABook/index.html
Eco Climate Change Newsletter of the International Climate Action Network
URL: http://www.igc.apc.org/climate/Eco.html
Axcess Magazine -- a magazine covering Art, Cyberculture, Music & Style *VIP*
URL: http://www.internex.net/axcess/
Centers for Disease Control Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report *VIP*
URL: http://www.cdc.gov/epo/mmwr/mmwr.html
University of Pennsylvania -- PennNet Passport, 2nd edition. A 53-page guide to the Internet.
URL: ftp://ftp.upenn.edu/doc/penn_passport/
University of Pennsylvania -- Penn Printout, the University's award-winning computing newsletter
URL: http://www.upenn.edu/pennprintout/
J. P. Morgan *VIP*
URL: http://www.jpmorgan.com/
Verity Inc. -- online searching of PDF documents
URL: http://www.verity.com/
InterText Magazine
URL: http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/
Citizen Poke -- Humor Magazine from Amherst College
URL: http://www.amherst.edu/~poke/
Rancher Management Guide from Arizona Cooperative Extension Integrated Resource Management
URL: http://ag.arizona.edu/AREC/IRM-home.html
Open Virtual Reality Testbed project at nist.gov
URL: http://nemo.ncsl.nist.gov/~sressler/OVRThome.html
Software Engineering Institute information on Software Configuration Management
URL: http://www.sei.cmu.edu/tech/cmHomePage.html
Interlink plug-in for WWW/Gopher/Internet-saavy Acrobat Exchange
URL: gopher://boombox.micro.umn.edu:70/11/gopher/Macintosh-TurboGopher
SIGGRAPH '95 has conference materials online
URL: http://www.siggraph.org/conferences/siggraph95/siggraph95.html
IRS Taxforms from the US Department of the Treasury *VIP*
URL: http://www.ustreas.gov/treasury/bureaus/irs/taxforms.html
Diatribe -- a small art/rant broadsheet zine
URL: http://sunsite.unc.edu/otis/MASS/Stastny_E/extra/diatribe.html
Navy News Service of the Navy Public Affairs Library
URL: http://www.navy.mil/navpalib/news/navnews/.www/navnews.html
Intel -- including information on the Pentium(TM) Floating Point Flaw
URL: http://www.intel.com/product/pentium/fdiv.html
Bentley MAINline has PDF online
URL: http://www.bentley.com/
Society of Women Engineers newsletters are in PDF
URL: http://www.thesphere.com/SWE/
Kitchen Wisdom
URL: http://www.wiskit.com/postscript/quicktips/ PostScript Quick Tips
URL: http://www.wiskit.com/hf/lessons.html Human Factors Lessons
Indiana University has some samples
URL: http://copper.ucs.indiana.edu/~staples/acrobat/acrobat.html
Rutgers Cooperative Extension
URL: http://aesop.rutgers.edu/~huntzinger/rce.htm
PDF Samples at USC
URL: http://www.usc.edu/Cool/USCpdf.html
Argonne National Labs 11th Office Information Technology Conference
URL: http://www.anl.gov/OIT11/sessions11.html
Wisconsin Cooperative Extension
URL: http://wisdom.uwex.edu/~cepubs/
Linkages from The International Institute for Sustainable Development
URL: http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/download/pdf/
Northwestern University Library Marjorie I. Mitchell Multimedia Center
URL: http://www.library.nwu.edu/media/docs
Smart Valley, Inc. has The Smart Valley Telecommuting Guide in PDF
URL: http://www.svi.org/SVI/PROJECTS/TCOMMUTE/tcguide.html
Springer-Verlag New York -- has samples of many of their publications in PDF format
URL: http://www.springer-ny.com/sampsup.html
KQED Online -- Channel 9 & 88.5 FM -- PBS + NPR + PDF !
URL: http://www.kqed.org/
Nobel Laureate William F. Sharpe of Stanford's Graduate School of Business
URL: http://gsb-www.stanford.edu/~wfsharpe/home.htm
Time Life's Complete Gardener series *VIP*
URL: http://www.timeinc.com/vg/TimeLife/Project
PSI InterRamp has their User Guide in PDF
URL: http://www.interramp.com/product-info/iramp-guide.html
RFI - Computer and Technical Illustration
URL http://www.demon.co.uk/rfi/index.html
Social Security Administration offers PDF files of popular publications
URL: http://www.ssa.gov/
The Federal Judicial Center has publications in PDF
URL: http://www.fjc.gov/pubs.html
University of Texas Graduate School of Business, Department of Finance
URL: http://kiwiclub.bus.utexas.edu/uncertainty/uncertainty.html
URL: http://kiwiclub.bus.utexas.edu/finance/kiwiserver/fin374c/fin374c-syllabus.html
University College Dublin Energy Research Group
URL: http://erg.ucd.ie/thermiewww/publications.html
VoyagerCo has an unusual WWW site with some PDF
URL: http://www.voyagerco.com/3s/t.3sixty.html
software.net electronic software distribution
URL: http://software.net/softwire.htm
University of Nebraska at Omaha
URL: http://unicron.unomaha.edu/grad.htm
URL: http://unicron.unomaha.edu/undergrd/ungrdind.htm
Cornell University - Cornell Information Technology publications
URL: http://www.cit.cornell.edu/cit-pubs/pubs.html
The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive has PDF on line
URL: http://diamond.idbsu.edu/gas/GaS.html
Poynton Institute's Color Technology Page (Gamma FAQ and Colour FAQ)
URL: http://www.inforamp.net/~poynton/Poynton-colour.html
TimesFax Internet Edition from The New York Times *VIP*
URL: http://nytimesfax.com/
Virginia Tech University Libraries Electronic Reserve
URL: http://vatech.lib.vt.edu/reserve/reserve.html
University of Wisconson-Madison Division of Information Technology
URL: http://www.wisc.edu/doit/pubs.html
URL: http://www.wisc.edu/doit/pdfs.html
Outrageous Tokyo -- Japan's first free English-language gay magazine
URL: http://shrine.cyber.ad.jp/~darrell/outr/home/outr-home.html
Christian Classics Ethereal Library from Harry Plantinga
URL: http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~planting/books/
Journal of Petroleum Technology from the Society of Petroleum Engineers
URL: http://spe.tamu.edu/jpt/feb95/
UC-Davis Department of Viticulture & Enology
URL: http://pubweb.ucdavis.edu/Documents/WINE/VEN1.HTML
UC-Davis IT Instructional Services
URL: http://instruction.ucdavis.edu/html/aag.html
URL: http://instruction.ucdavis.edu/html/outlines.html
Utah Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University
URL: http://publish.uwrl.usu.edu/uwrl.publications.html
The McLuhan Probes from The Herbert Marshall McLuhan Foundation *VIP*
URL: http://www.mcluhan.ca/mcluhan/issues.html
The Lund Institue of Technology has its research directory in PDF
URL: http://www.lth.se/kansli/research/index_e.html
Northwestern University has some class outlines, schedules, and handouts
URL: http://www.library.nwu.edu/class/history/B94/
URL: http://www.library.nwu.edu/ERS/uc/compstud/C95/
Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library
URL: http://lib-www.lanl.gov/la-pubs/
UK CCTA Government Information Service has some PDF online
URL: http://www.open.gov.uk/ost/osthome.htm
United Lithographers, Inc.
URL: http://www.ul.eznet.com/navguide.htm
MIT Sloan School of Management
URL: ftp://sloan.mit.edu/pub/syllabi
Aviation Research Laboratory
URL: http://skylane.aviation.uiuc.edu/arl/technical-reports/technical95.html
University of Chicago GSB Management Science and Information Systems
URL: http://gsbkip.uchicago.edu/htmls/faculty/martin/workingpapers.html
Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre - Public Health Laboratory Service of England & Wales
URL: http://www.open.gov.uk/cdsc/cdschome.htm
International Trade Law Project
URL: http://ananse.irv.uit.no/trade_law/acrobat/html/pdf.html
Professor Robert P. Weaver of Drexel University has course notes on Compiler Construction
URL: http://king.mcs.drexel.edu:8080/~rweaver/COURSES/MCS761/mcs761.html
Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1996
URL: http://www.doc.gov/inquery/BudgetFY96/BudgetWWW.html
Seagate Technology has some product info in PDF
URL: ftp://www.seagate.com/acrobat/
Kai's Power Tips and Tricks for Adobe Photoshop *VIP*
URL: http://the-tech.mit.edu/KPT/
OneStop Desktop
URL: http://www.printnet.com/osdt1.html
St. Mary's College of Minnesota - CONNECTIONS newsletter
National Center for Health Statistics at the CDC
URL: http://www.cdc.gov/nchswww/nchshome.htm
Global Cycling Network (VeloNet)
URL: http://cycling.org:70/0/reading.room/advocacy/PDF.html
The CERN Preprint Server
URL: http://preprints.cern.ch/
SkiVt-L Ski Shop
URL: http://mole.uvm.edu/skivt-l/
WWW Viewer Test Page test MIME/Helper configuations
URL: http://www-dsed.llnl.gov/documents/WWWtest.html
Korean War Project
URL: http://rampages.onramp.net/~hbarker/
The Fifth Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy
URL: http://www-techlaw.stanford.edu/CFP95.html
Federal EDI - Secretariat
URL: http://snad.ncsl.nist.gov/dartg/edi/fededi.html
Cooperative Extension at Colorado State University
URL: http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/
The Cygnus Group Using Less Stuff Report
URL: http://cygnus-group.com/ULS/Current_ULS_Reports/Reports.html
Quanta Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy
URL: http://www.etext.org/Zines/Quanta/latest.html
EPODD & Cajun
URL: http://www.ep.cs.nott.ac.uk/epoddcaj.html
A quick tour of Internet and the Information Superhighway
URL: http://sepwww.stanford.edu/seg/tle/ross_etal/tle_p1.html
Explorer Educational Resources *VIP*
URL: http://unite.ukans.edu/
Madison Area Technical College
URL: http://ted.ele.madison.tec.wi.us/slant/slant.html
Bill Behr's The Behr Facts - look for Internet News
URL: http://rampages.onramp.net/~wgbehr/
Acrobatics -- The Journal for Acrobat Users *VIP*
URL: http://www.ep.cs.nott.ac.uk/~dre/merlin/acrobatics.html
Tektronix has information in PDF
URL: http://www.tek.com/Color_Printers/support/555.html
University of Iowa - College of Business Administration - Computer Services Organization
URL: http://www.biz.uiowa.edu/cso/readme/
The Education Alliance @ Brown University
URL: http://www.brown.edu/Research/The_Education_Alliance/
EE 4984 Telecommunication Networks at Virginia Tech
URL: http://fiddle.ee.vt.edu/courses/ee4984/notes_index.html
The QuickTime FAQ from Apocalypso!
URL: http://www.mcs.net/~cwiltgen/quicktime/files/QT-FAQ-0.45.pdf
Bureau of Economic Analysis on STAT-USA
NOTE: fee-based registration with STAT-USA, has the Bureau of Economic Analysis' monthly journal, Survey of Current Business, in PDF, as well as back SCB articles in PDF
Bureau of Economic Analysis
URL: http://www.doc.gov/resources/bea/uguide.html
URL: http://www.doc.gov/resources/bea/otherpub.html
URL: http://www.doc.gov/resources/bea/scbinf.html
Kluge Carden Jennings Publishing
URL: http://www.whitlock.com/kcj/eink/samples.htm
Sprint SprintLink
URL: http://www.sprintlink.net/SPLK/splk.html
Atria Software
URL: http://www.atria.com/Products/multisite.html
URL: http://www.atria.com/Products/integrations.html
URL: http://www.atria.com/Literature/index.html
Michigan Press Photographers Association
URL: http://www.cris.com/~mppa/ PDFs are available throughout...
Kudzu a digital quarterly 'zine of fiction, poetry, and essays.
URL: http://www.etext.org/Zines/Kudzu/pdf.html
WindoWatch MS Windows software magazine
URL: http://www.channel1.com/users/winwatch/WindoWatch.html
LinkWorks from Digital Equipment Corporation
URL: http://www.digital.com/info/linkworks/
ClickShop Library
URL: http://clickshop.com/library/
Acropolis the magazine of Acrobat publishing *VIP*
URL: http://www.acropolis.com/acropolis/
InfoSel Newspapers from Mexico *VIP*
URL: http://www.infosel.com.mx/
Schlumberger 1994 Annual Report in PDF
URL: http://www.slb.com/ar94/index.html
Kev's World -- a newspaper cartoonist uses PDF
URL: http://www.cris.com/~mppa/s2f/kevin.html
Great Lakes Collaborative
URL: http://server2.greatlakes.k12.mi.us/glc-www/Membership.html
Bay Networks Customer Support *VIP*
URL: http://support.baynetworks.com/marcom.htm
Ernst & Young (Canada)
URL: http://www.inforamp.net/ey/#INDEX6
Towery Publishing Incorporated
PDF content is available throughout
The Fit Stop
URL: various, including http://giant.mindlink.net/worl/events/evntdate/95may/vimhtml/vim.html
Oregon Deptartment of Forestry
URL: http://salem10nt.odf.state.or.us/news.htm
Horticulture in Virtual Perspective
URL: http://hortwww-2.ag.ohio-state.edu/hvp/HVP1.html
Aldea Communications
URL: http://www.aldea.com/
Princeton University Press
URL: http://aaup.pupress.princeton.edu:70/1/books/presses/princeton/catalogs
Aviation Digest has some newsletters in PDF
URL: http://www.usis.com/~rcecil/whs.html
Oklahoma State University Dept. of Animal Science
URL: http://www.okstate.edu/OSU_Ag/ansci.html
Joyce Wankable 'zine
URL: http://www.rbdc.com/~hgambill/joyce.htm
Visionary Publishing
URL: http://www.li.net/~mjg/pdf/
PostScript corner at University of Zurich
has some information on PDF (in german)
Finisar Corporation has product info in PDF
URL: http://www.finisar.com/product.html
AVUI the main Catalan daily newspaper from Spain
URL: http://avui.scsinet.upc.es/
BT Global Finance Sales' Partnership -- Joint Strategies for Global Success
URL: http://www.artewisdom.com/ep/btp/Issue3/PSHIPPS.PDF
HalluciNet has PDF scattered throughout
URL: http://hallucinet.wwa.com/
Fortune 500 - Fortune Magazine at Time Warner's Pathfinder *VIP*
URL: http://www.pathfinder.com/ then navigate to the Fortune 500 for several PDFs
Electric Gulker Land has a photo book in PDF
URL: http://www.gulker.com/gulker/portfolio.html
Ernst & Young has some PDF online -- e.g.,
URL: http://www.ey.com/us/aa/usaa.htm
NECX On-Ramp sells Acrobat Software on-line
URL: http://www.necx.com/
Ventana Online has Acrobat info
URL: http://www.vmedia.com/acrobat.html
First Martin Corporation has real-estate info in PDF
URL: http://BizServe.com/FMC/index.html
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space have a newsletter in PDF
URL: http://www.seds.org/nodes/
Quantum Corporation
URL: http://www.quantum.com/support/support.html
URL: http://www.quantum.com/products/products.html
Province of Saskatchewan 1995-1996 Budget Address
URL: http://www.sasknet.sk.ca/saskgov/docs/budget95/budgetpre.html
Windsor Software Corp - Internet and Internet Marketing Q&A
URL: http://www.windsor.com/int_mark.html
Kaleida Labs ScriptX Technical Overview
URL: http://www.kaleida.com/products/sx-tech-overview.html
VISTA Illinois Cooperative Extension Service
URL: http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/~vista/vista0001.html
Investment Dealers' Digest has IDD magazine in PDF
URL: http://nestegg.iddis.com/nestegg/idd/mags.html#iddmag
Connect: Academic Computing and Networking at NYU
URL: http://www.nyu.edu/acf/pubs/connect
Desktop Publishing Magazine
URL: http://www.demon.co.uk/cyber/dp/dp.html
NUKE has PDF, including...
URL: http://www.nuke.com/cine/features/feathome.htm
UK Toolbook User Conference '94 on-line proceedings
URL: http://www.lib.siu.edu/tbkwww/uk94/uk94.html
Electronic Design Automation Companies offer their EDACTION newsletter in PDF
URL: http://www.edac.org/EDAC/EDACHOME/newsletter.html
Silicon Valley Research, Inc.
URL: http://www.edac.org/SVR/newsletter.html
Institute for Policy Innovation
URL: http://www.metronet.com/ipi/index.html
Sea Grant Mid-Atlantic Region
URL: http://www.mdsg.umd.edu/Pubs/index.html
Brigham Young University
URL: http://advance.byu.edu/pdf.html
National Institutes of Health Library
URL: http://libwww.ncrr.nih.gov/news/news.htm
North Central Texas Council of Governments is publishing maps in PDF
URL: http://www.nctcog.dst.tx.us/mapbook.html
APA Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse
URL: http://charlotte.med.nyu.edu/woodr/newsletter.html
Register Mall by Forman Interactive Corp
URL: http://www.forman.com/fic/c0.htm
Action Technologies, Inc.
URL: http://www.actiontech.com/products/
URL: http://www.actiontech.com/action/
William C Donlon, DMD, MA Peninsula Maxillofacial Surgery
URL: http://www.hooked.net/users/wcd/
Daimler-Benz Homepage
URL: http://www.daimler-benz.com/htr/htr_e.html
Bifocus: An Electronic Journal about the Internet and Technology
URL: http://www.execpc.com/~il/
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
URL: http://www.nrel.gov/hot-stuff/whatsnew.html
URL: http://www.nrel.gov/web_info/documents/erec_fact_sheets/acrobat.html
URL: http://www.unisys.com/opus/Vertind.html
USGS Graphics Group - Cartographic Technical Standards on the Apple Macintosh
URL: http://jvigil.wr.usgs.gov/CTSPagesfolder/CTSPage.html
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation
URL: http://www.mgic.com/home/library.html
PCWorld Online
URL: http://www.pcworld.com/currentissue/toc.html
DEC - Mobile Software Business
URL: http://www.digital.com/info/mobile/acrobat.html
Journal of Buddhist Ethics
URL: http://www.gold.ac.uk/jbe/acrobat.html
Stellar Technology, Inc.
URL: ftp://ftp.moran.com/stellar/
Pacific Telesis Group has some PDF financials
URL: http://www.pactel.com/about/acrobat.html
CCH Canadian
URL: http://www.ca.cch.com/freeinfo/subjects.html
Mutual Funds Magazine
various PDF content
Marshall Industries
URL: http://www.marshall.com/pub/acrobat/newfeed.htm
Angel Flight of Texas
URL: http://www.zilker.net/~woodp/aftnews.html
Rogers Communications Inc.
URL: http://www.rogers.com/RCI/anndwn.htm
URL: http://www.rogers.com/RCI/rciq1.htm
Encyclicals and other writings by Pope John Paul II
URL: http://dominiks-www.physics.wisc.edu/Encyclicals/Encyclicals.html
Cytopia Software plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator
URL: http://www.cytopia.com/
XYNet Software Technologies, Inc.
URL: http://www.xynet.com/techinfo.htm
Mecklermedia Web Seminars July 1995
URL: http://www.mecklerweb.com/shows/webweek/wwconf2.htm
Harris Semiconductor Home Page
URL: http://www.semi.harris.com/datasheets/
Fidelity Investments
URL: http://www.fid-inv.com/new/on_prosp.html
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) BEAMLINE newsletter
URL: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/beamline/beamline.html
US Census Bureau
URL: http://www.census.gov/ftp/pub/apsd/www/statbrief/
Robert J. Robbins has some papers on BioInformatics
URL: http://www.gdb.org/rjr/rjr.html
SEI has PDF throughout
URL: http://www.sei-europe.com:8008/sei/new.htm
Personal Library Software PLWeb server does Index/Search of PDF files
URL: http://www.pls.com/plweb.html
Australian Federal Budget 1994
URL: http://www.nla.gov.au/finance/budget94/
British Columbia 1995 fiscal budget
URL: http://bbs.qp.gov.bc.ca/budget95/budget95.htm
URL: http://www.ericsson.com/Presentation.html
On The Wire "For the Advancement of Forensic Network Analysis"
URL: http://www.pmg.com/otw_nwc.htm
OpenDoc(TM) home page has some PDF online
URL: http://www.astro.nwu.edu/lentz/mac/programming/open-doc/home-od.html
Matheson & Associates
URL: http://www.hookup.net/~infobit
Patton Electronics
URL: http://www.patton.com/cgi-bin/search
Bifocus: An Electronic Journal about the Internet and Technology
URL: http://www.execpc.com/~il/
Network Computing Online *VIP*
URL: http://techweb.cmp.com/nc/current/ctr.html
United States Department of State
URL: various, including this
The Wire Communication Matters for the Church
URL: http://www.roehampton.ac.uk/link/wire/
BlueWorld Communications
URL: http://www.blueworld.com/bluespace/bluefiles/bluefiles.html
AT&T Technology Magazine *VIP*
URL: http://www.att.com/att-technology/
StarNine Technologies makers of WebStar
URL: ftp://ftp.starnine.com/product_info/
Alan Rankin Rare Books
URL: http://www.gold.net/users/ad82/index.html
Tanais the Fox a storyteller on the web
URL: http://www.fish.com/~tanais/storyteller/stories.html
The Hermes Project WWW User Survey results in PDF
URL: http://www.umich.edu/~sgupta/hermes/
Mt. Hood Academy - A School for Ski Racers
URL: http://www.teleport.com/~hoodacad/
Sequent Computer Systems, Inc. 1994 Annual Report
URL: http://www.sequent.com/public/finance/annrpt94/annrep94.html
URL: http://www.websys.com/imspectus/
Apple Computer has their 1994 annual report in PDF
URL: http://www.apple.com/investor/investor.html
Apple Computer Publishing and Media Markets server has other info about Adobe Acrobat
URL: http://www.media.apple.com/offer.html
Volpe, Welty & Company has published The Internet: Cashing in on Cyberspace *VIP*
URL: http://www.vwco.com/curhan.html#Internet
National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing
URL: http://www.cse.ucla.edu/Reports/Acrobat.html
El Periodico on line a Spanish newspaper from Barcelona
URL: http://www.elperiodico.es/
MediaMagic Solutions, Inc.
URL: http://mediamagic.inter.net/mediamagic
Heckler Magazine Snow/SK8/Music
URL: http://heckler.com/heckler/snowpage.html
URL: http://heckler.com/heckler/sk8page.html
MacUser Magazine has a Weblink'd PDF Internet Roadmap
URL: http://www.zdnet.com/~macuser/map.html
Ra Data from Norway
URL: http://www.drammensnett.no/radata/eplekart495.html
U of I Computing and Communications Services On-Line - see the Computing Handbook *VIP*
URL: http://www.uiuc.edu/ccso/docs.html
Statistics Canada
URL: http://www.statcan.ca/Documents/English/Rpapers/res.htm
DOE Office of Fusion Energy
URL: http://wwwofe.er.doe.gov/More_HTML/FusionDocs.html
Queensland University of Technology has PDF throughout including ...
URL: http://www.qut.edu.au/pubs/01gen/annrep94/annrep94.html
URL: http://www.qut.edu.au/pubs/03staff/qutinternal.html
URL: http://www.qut.edu.au/pubs/02stud/acadcal95.html
Hitchiner Manufacturing Company, Inc.
URL: http://www.hitchiner.com/himco/Library.html
Montgomery Securities
URL: http://www.montgomery.com/Prospectus/
I/PRO Internet Profiles Corporation has a sample I/Audit report in PDF
URL: http://www.ipro.com/iaudscrn.html
Chapman & Hall have electronic journals online
URL: http://hermes.chaphall.co.uk/online.html
Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations
URL: http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/
URL: http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/whatsnew.html
Campus Review Australasia's Higher Education Newspaper
URL: http://www.camrev.com.au/
E-Zee Vision(R) Eyewear
URL: http://www.eyeglass.com/InquiryForm.html
BugNet has back issues in PDF for subscribers
URL: http://www.bugnet.com/~bugnet/
Advanced Micro Devices has datasheets and more in PDF
URL: http://www.amd.com/html/products/PCD/techdoc.html
URL: http://www.amd.com/html/products/EPD/techdocs/litlist.html
Fall Internet World 95
URL: http://www.mecklerweb.com/shows/fall95/FIWpages/
Brooktree Corporation
URL: http://www.brooktree.com/brooktree/html/prodsel.html
Novagen Inc. inNovations newsletter
URL: http://www.novagen.com/inno.html
NASA ECS Data Handling System
URL: http://edhs1.gsfc.nasa.gov:8001/waisdata/charts/eval_pkgcat.html
URL: http://www.internetautomotive.com/
Maestronet sells downloadable sheet music in PDF
URL: http://www.maestronet.com/music_buy.html
De Krant Brussels Free University newspaper
URL: http://www.vub.ac.be/SMIT/DeKrant/nummers.html
URL: http://www.vub.ac.be/SMIT/DeKrant/jrg1.html
BoneGames games on the net
URL: http://www.3i.com/bonegames/bg.htm
The Tech Museum of Innovation
URL: http://www.thetech.org/publications.html
RIT School of Photographic Arts and Sciences Biomedical Photography Department *VIP*
URL: http://www.rit.edu/~rckpph/info/bpc2.html
3COM Corporation has product info in PDF
URL: http://www.3com.com/cgi-bin/mfs/01/0files/products/dsheets/nb2ds.html
URL: http://www.3com.com/cgi-bin/mfs/01/0files/products/dsheets/lpfamds.html
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
URL: http://www.nbmg.unr.edu/
Medical Illustration (CSIS) Home Page
URL: http://www.biostat.wisc.edu/medil/medil.html
Macromedia even has PDF online!
URL: http://www.macromedia.com/
Gateway Newspaper Online University of Nebraska at Omaha
URL: http://gateway-news.unomaha.edu/
Pro Carry Systems International Inc. Law Enforcement Products
URL: http://www.nq.com/netquest/procarry/catalog.html
Research: Standard & Poors Research Reports and Mutural Fund Reports *VIP*
URL: http://www.researchmag.com/spreport.htm
URL: http://www.researchmag.com/mflist.htm
Apple Computer product information sheets
URL: ftp://sam.austin.apple.com/Apple.Support.Area/Product.Information.Sheets/
INteractive INvestments
URL: http://www.iinvest.com/Downloads.html
ImageSoup at emedia.net
URL: http://www.emedia.net/imagesoup/
Center for East European Dialog & Development at RIT
URL: http://htcs1.isc.rit.edu/tppt/
Environmental Protection Agency
URL: http://earth1.epa.gov/305b/
and others... (use their search engine)
URL: http://www.mcgraw-hill.com/acfonline/
Osceola Online, an independent weekly covering Florida State University sports
URL: http://www.polaris.net/~osceola/
U.S. Information Agency USIA World magazine online
URL: http://www.usia.gov/
Federal Government Documents online -- search for past and present Congressional bills
URL: http://thorplus.lib.purdue.edu/gpo/
Macintosh Users of Delaware, publishes their newsletter, the M.U.D. Slinger, in PDF
URL: http://ssnet.com/~cvargas/MUDpage.html
World Science Fiction Convention, (August 24 - 28, 1995)
URL: http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/intersection/
The Delphi Report, a newsletter on workflow and electronic document management systems
URL: http://www.delphigroup.com/pubs/delrep.htm
Seiko MessageWatch
URL: http://www.msgwatch.com/msgwatch/
City of Newark, California
URL: http://infolane.com/infolane/newark/
EMERGE(tm), an Acrobat service bureau
URL: http://www.emrg.com/
Silicon Graphics
URL: http://www.sgi.com/Products/software/Acrobat.html
Onramp Technologies, an Internet service provider, shows PDF versions of their prices and services
URL: http://www.onramp.net/
National Gymnastics Judge's Association
URL: http://www.dorsai.org/~kenach/index.html
Asian-American Journalists Association
URL: http://www.aaja.org/
Illinois Department of Revnue
URL: http://http.bsd.uchicago.edu/~idor/forms/formats.htm
Mac Today Magazine *VIP*
URL: http://www.mindspring.com/~curtiss/MacToday/MacToday.html
SimSci Inc., a provider of process engineering software tools
URL: http://www.simsci.com/documentation
Spectrum Trading, Inc. -- product listings and specifications for memory, hard drives and peripherals
URL: http://www.spectrum-t.com/101-00.htm
Time Magazine *VIP*
URL: http://pathfinder.com/time/special/thefiles.html
Wenzel Associates, a manufacturer of precision crystal oscillators
URL: http://www.wenzel.com/pages/catalog.htm
Digi-Key Corporation
URL: http://www.digikey.com/955.html
Southern California Edison Corporation annual report
URL: http://www.sce.com/html/finance/rpt_scec.htm
Campmor, a mail order retailer of outdoor recreation gear
URL: http://www.campmor.com/pdf/catalog.95.fall.html
Investor Relations Information Network
URL: http://www.irin.com
Banyan Systems, Inc.
URL: http://www.banyan.com/who/outfront/outfront.html
Air Chronicles, the Air Force's online interactive journal
URL: http://www.cdsar.af.mil/air-chronicles.html
Hot Lava Magazine
URL: http://www.interverse.com/lava/13/contents.html
Stephen Parkins, a well known London Chef
URL: http://www.pow.com/culinarycreativity/face.htm
The Chicago Board Options Exchange
URL: http://www.cboe.com/acrobat/acrobat.html
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Printing Services
URL: http://www.adp.unc.edu/unc_print/UNCPS.html
Oxford Computer, Inc. -- product descriptions for Electronic Imaging Devices
URL: http://www.fentonnet.com/oxford
Eindhoven University of Technology's newspaper, Cursor
URL: http://www.tue.nl/cgi-bin/cursor.pl
Ligmincha Institute for the Study of the Religions and Cultures of Tibet
URL: http://www.comet.chv.va.us/ligmincha/
TAPPIWeb, Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
URL: http://www.tappi.org/journal/journal.htm
Church Street Publishing creates newsletters in PDF
URL: http://www.churchstreet.com/csp/samples/samples.html
ESRI, Geographic Information System (GIS) software developer, has white papers online
URL: http://www.esri.com/resources/papers/papers.html
medicinal plants and pharmacy PDF files are located at
URL: ftp://ftp.crl.com/users/ro/robbee/HERB/Software/
Chrysler Corporation
URL: http://www.investor-rel.com/chrysler/
Northbound Leather order forms and measurment forms in PDF
URL: http://www.northbound.com/order.htm
The Chubu Weekly Online
URL: http://www.cdc.toppan.co.jp/CW/
LiveDV the folks from DV Magazine
URL: http://livedv.com/
United States Postal Service
URL: http://www.usps.gov/business/
Historic Newspapers - Keigwin and Mathews Collection
URL: http://www.bluewater.com/bluewater/keigwin_mathews/journal.html
Stanford Athletics
URL: http://athletics.stanford.edu/news.html
1995 Honda Run for the Cure
URL: http://www.wolfifs.com/wolf/run4cure.html
Screenwriters Online has PDF by subscription
URL: http://screenwriter.com/insider/
Qadesh La Yahweh Press
URL: http://www.yahweh.org/
Red Brick Systems
URL: http://www.redbrick.com/rbs/custexp.html
The Institute of Physics Physics Express Letters
URL: http://www.iop.org/Journals/pelwelcome.html
A Different Light Bookstore
URL: http://www.dnai.com/~adl/news.html
US General Accounting Office
use their search facilities
Home & Design Online: including Clarkston Real Estate Services, Inc.
URL: http://astro.telescan.com/clarlist.htm
Avionica Inc.
URL: http://www.avionica.com/products.htm
XYZZYnews the magazine for interactive fiction enthusiasts
URL: http://www.users.interport.net/~eileen/design/xyzzynews.html
Oil Spill Research and Development Program at LSU
URL: http://www.lib.lsu.edu/osradp/osradp.html
RASSP Document Server
URL: http://east.isx.com/RASSP/
Washington State Department of Transit - CAE Team
URL: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/EESC/cae/
Scitex Corporation, Ltd
URL: http://www.scitex.com/
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated
URL: http://www.ml.com/activities_for_children_grades_7-12.html
Dynamic PDF demo
URL: http://www.best.com/~dglazer/adobe/
Advanced RISC Machines
URL: http://www.arm.com/
Aaron Seward's Homepage
URL: http://www.ipt.com/gconcept/personals/aaron/gall.htm
The Smithsonian Institution
URL: http://www.si.edu/reader/acrobat.htm
Graph Expo 95
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Agricultural Economics Home Page
URL: http://www.wisc.edu/agecon/pubs.html
Massachusetts Department of Revenue
URL: http://www.magnet.state.ma.us/
Bowling Green State University Continuing Education Catalog
URL: http://www.bgsu.edu/colleges/ContEd/catalog.html
Cobel Target Marketing
URL: http://www.adnetsol.com/cobel/welcome.html
Advanced Manufacturing Research
URL: http://bighorn.terra.net/amr/
Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc.
Be. Inc. makers of the BeBox
URL: http://www.be.com/
The Astrophysical Journal
URL: http://www.aas.org/ApJ/
connect from Informationskompaniet, in Mjdrdevi Science Park, Sweden
URL: http://www.lejonet.se/mjardevi/connect/
Research Institute of America
URL: http://www.riatax.com/brodem.html
Federal Acquisition Institute
URL: http://www.gsa.gov/staff/v/homepages/courses.htm
E-scape The Digital Journal of Speculative Fiction
URL: http://www.interink.com/escape.html
The DeLorean Mailing List
URL: http://www.goodnet.com/~mikasa/oldnews.html
Opera Notes and Mike's Miscellany
URL: http://www.webcom.com/~mrichter/videoper.html
EUROPAGES - The European Business Directory Home Page
URL: http://www.europages.com/g/data.html
The Freedom Server
URL: http://www.freedom-server.co.uk/
Alpha Microsystems
URL: http://www.alphamicro.com/
URL: http://www.ibmpcug.co.uk/~irdial/
Alex Barber has Origami designs in PDF
URL: http://www.nol.net/~barber/origami/
Applied Technologies Group
URL: http://www.ultranet.com/~resource/commtech.html
Futures Software Associates - Financial Clearinghouse
URL: http://www.netaxs.com/~fsa/home.html
Sprague Magnetics, Inc.
URL: http://www.earthlink.net/~sprague-magnetics/library.html
URL: http://miteymac.physics.utoronto.ca/website/fun.html
URL: http://medb.physics.utoronto.ca/Web/website/fun.html
Mazeworld a game in PDF
URL: http://www.ep.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pns/mazeworld/
Xicor, Inc.
URL: http://www.xicor.com/
The Cole Papers a newsletter on technology, journalism and publishing
URL: http://www.colegroup.com/TCP/
URL: http://www.adtran.com/ref_lib.html
Micron Technology, Inc.
URL: http://www.micron.com/mti/marcomm/images/tn/
Kansas Crop Performance Tests
URL: http://www.ksu.edu/~kscpt/
URL: http://www.colorhouse.com/ch/pdflibrary/
HUD - Portland Oregon
URL: http://www.teleport.com/~mrtom/
Benton Foundation's Communications Policy Project
URL: http://cdinet.com/Benton/Retrieve/home.html
UC - DOE National Laboratories see the Document Library
URL: http://labs.ucop.edu/library.html
URL: http://www.ddmi.com/etikonvex/
Welcome to JDG Design!
URL: http://www.jdgdesign.com/
Bayne Herrera Berman Communications
URL: http://www.magi.com/bhb/
URL: http://www.mfactory.com/mtrop_info.html
Dr. Midkiff's Course Information at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
URL: http://fiddle.ee.vt.edu/courses/
Acme Training Inc.
URL: http://www.gus.com/acme/
SpareTime Studios
URL: http://www.infi.net/~larry21/int_art.html
Electronic Newspaper Archives
URL: http://www.booth.eiu.edu/HTML/archive.html
World Market Watch see GATT 1994
URL: http://wmw.com/gatt/
Hospitality Management Magazine
URL: http://bizpubs.corp.com/magazine.html
Futures Magazine
URL: http://www.ino.com/futuresmag/currissue.html
URL: http://www.photodisc.com
URL: http://www.weddingweb.com/planners.html
Indian Health Service Trends and Regional Differences in Indian Health
URL: http://www.ihs.gov/Trends/Trends.html
LaserBaud CD-ROMp has their catalog in PDF
URL: http://www.laserbaud.com.au/
EF Data Corporation
URL: http://www.efdata.com/products.htm
Information SuperLibrary from Macmillan Computer Publishing
URL: http://www.mcp.com/
All Electronics Corporation
URL: http://www.allcorp.com/allcorp/acrobat.html
Financial Economics Network
URL: http://journal.com/fen/papers.html
Creativity: Pure and Applied - Online Course
URL: http://creativity.psych.yorku.ca/Acrobat_Files.html
DOE Office of Environmental Policy & Assistance
URL: http://www.eh.doe.gov/oepa/policy.htm
Channel 4 Schools
URL: http://www.schools.channel4.co.uk/c4schools/download.html
Interactive Engineering
URL: http://www.inforamp.net/~iel/
WindoWatch magazine
URL: http://www.windowatch.com/
Honeysuckle White check out the Guide to Succulent Turkey
URL: http://www.magibox.net/~hsw/succulentturk.html
MicroColour International
URL: http://www.ftech.net/~micro/mci.htm
Graphion Typesetting & Systems
URL: http://www.slip.net/~graphion/
IEEE - The IEEE Abstracting & Indexing Products Page
URL: http://www.ieee.org/elec_prod/ani_prod/index.html
X-COM Kommunikations
URL: http://www.x-com.de/xcom/sales/katalog/inhalt.html
Eastern Analytical Symposium
URL: http://www.eas.org/~easweb/
Internet Bazaar
URL: http://www.int-bazaar.com/bazaar/
Universal Flow Monitors Inc.
URL: http://www.webcom.com/~ufm/
The Yosemite Valley Railroad
URL: http://www.infolane.com/yvrr/tracing.html
Software Tutorials from UIUC AIM Lab
URL: http://w3.ag.uiuc.edu/AIM/SLOAN/tutorials/Acrobat/index.html
At Illuminata, It's No Mystery
URL: http://www.illuminata.com/samples.html
Academic Press - JMB Online
URL: http://www.hbuk.co.uk/jmb/home.htm
Wake Forest University
URL: http://www.wfu.edu/Administrative-offices/University-Editor/pubs-on-line/
designOnline(TM) has fontsOnline(TM)
URL: http://www.dol.com/fontsOnline/
AirWorks Media
URL: http://snazzy.com/airworks
Pennsylvania Travel's Discount Travel Service
URL: http://WWW.netaxs.com/people/hoeym/welcome.html
Region 6 Engineering from The Ohio State University
URL: http://kcgl1.eng.ohio-state.edu/
Computer Associates
URL: http://www.cai.com/investt.htm
Fiat Bravo/Brava
URL: http://www.its.it/Fiat-Bravo-Brava/
The Clayton Wallis Company Compensation Software
URL: http://www.crl.com/~clwallis/cwdwnbk.htm
Southwest Business Corporation
URL: http://www.swbc.com/library.html
Digital Constructs has PDF throughout
URL: http://www.dconstructs.com/dc/
Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department
URL: http://www.state.fl.us/citytlh/planning/planning.html
University of Sydney UniServe Science Publications
URL: http://www.usyd.edu.au/su/SCH/publications.html
Ambito Financiero from Argentina
URL: http://www.ambito.com/
Monitor from Argentina
URL: http://www.datafaxnet.com/monitor/
ABITARE on line
URL: http://www.think.it/abitare/
El Norte Edición INTERNET
URL: http://www.infosel.com.mx/elnorte/
Nedelja Austrian weekly in Slovene
URL: http://server.net4you.co.at/slovene/nedelja.html
Academy for the Advancement of Science and Technology
URL: http://www.bergen.gov/AAST/MathDocs/
URL: http://www.basf.com/prod/
J.D. Edwards
URL: http://www.jdedwards.com/
Smith Barney Wall Street Watch
URL: http://nestegg.iddis.com/smithbarney/
Threads: A Modula-3 Newsletter
URL: http://www.cmass.com/threads/
URL: http://www.microcat.com/
OzHorse thoroughbred info - Australia and New Zealand
URL: http://www.ozhorse.com.au/
IRS 1995 Taxforms in PDF and PostScript
URL: http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/prod/forms_pubs/forms.html
Minnesota Department of Revenue
URL: http://www.state.mn.us/ebranch/mdor/95forms/taxforms.html
Ball State University Daily News
URL: http://www.dailynews.bsu.edu/
Computer Images Computer Training
URL: http://www.computerimages.com/tips

If your Web site has cool PDF files and you would like to be added to this list, let us know about it using the comment form below!

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