(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Department of Architecture
(Edited for external use Feb 94)
- A unit in the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design in the University of Adelaide, the Department of Architecture is the synergy (combined and coordinated action) of the people who work under its title, both staff and students, acting in the context of the University and its Mission.
- The Department has adopted a broad definition of Architecture as a discipline encompassing the built environment and its relation to people, processes, artifacts and the natural environment.
- The Department recognises the definition of Architect as a professional person registered as an architect under the various Australian state registration boards, or a person holding an equivalent position overseas.
The Department of Architecture will critically and creatively engage the theory and practice of architecture as a mode of intellectual activity in its own right and to inform the perception of architecture and its ethical design, realisation and management.
- To maintain and develop a distinctive education in architecture that:
- Strongly couples critical thought and creative action;
- Addresses both those wishing to work in architecture and a wider student body; and
- Founds professional training on a student's preexisting capabilities and maturity in the coupling of critical thought with creative action.
- To maintain and develop architectural research and scholarship of international distinction.
- To form, foster and promote positions on the discipline of architecture and on education in architecture so as to locate:
- Ethics and values as an integral part of action;
- Their practice within the knowledge of the fields;
- Their relation to a constellation of other disciplines; and
- Present capability within future development.
- To maintain and develop appropriate opportunities and resources for individuals to contribute successfully and with satisfaction to research, teaching and professional consultancy.
- To provide intellectual, technical and professional leadership for responsible environmental action.
Sam Donnelly, Prof. Tony Radford, Terry Williamson, Dr. Rob Woodbury.