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Faculty Strategic Plan

Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design


December 1992

(Edited for external use Feb 94)


1.1 Environmental, Social and Economic Context

The Faculty is concerned primarily with the design, the production and the interpretation of social, cultural, environmental and economic effects of architecture, urban design and the built environment. The graduates of the Faculty and the research conducted in the Faculty contribute to this important sector of Australian society and its economy.

The importance of the built environment in Australia is illustrated by the following facts:

1.2 The Character of The Faculty

The Faculty occupies an important symbolic place in the University in bridging the boundaries between humanities and the physical and environmental sciences, and between vocational and non-vocational education. Its teaching and research are inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary.

The Faculty has a strong and distinctive cooperative and collegial culture amongst students, staff and the members of the built-environment professions who contribute extensively to the work of the Faculty.

The Faculty is small in budget, numbers of staff and numbers of students. It operates efficiently.


The Faculty will maintain and enhance its standing as a centre of Architectural research, scholarship and education of national and international distinction

The Faculty will present a clear and distinctive academic and cultural identity.

The Faculty is committed to high quality teaching.

The Faculty is committed to high quality research.

The Faculty will base its management, research, teaching and consultancies on an ethical foundation in relation to social, cultural and ecological issues.

* The Faculty will carry out research (in particular multi-disciplinary research) into the social , cultural and ecological implications of the built environment and the related roles and responsibilities of the built environment professions.

* The Faculty will ensure that social , cultural and ecological issues are incorporated into its teaching programme in such a way as to ensure its graduates contribute positively to the quality and sustainability of the environment.

The Faculty is committed to realising the full potential of all its students and staff

* The Faculty will encourage and foster the career development of its academic and general staff.

* The Faculty will implement the University's policies in relation to societal objectives on Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Equity and Access and Credit Transfer.

* The Faculty will implement affirmative action aimed at redressing the gender imbalance existing in the built environment professions (less than 10% of architects are women).

The Faculty will continue to foster a constructive relationship with the built-environment professions and the wider community in South Australia, Australia and internationally.

* The Faculty will continue to be involved with academic, government, professional and industry bodies, exploiting its central University/central city location and the wide involvement of its members in environmental, educational and professional issues.

* The Faculty will monitor and contribute where appropriate to the activities of the Alumni Association.

The Faculty will monitor, review and facilitate this Strategic Plan, the University's Strategic Plan and the Mission Statement of the Department of Architecture.

* The Faculty Board will receive regular reports from the Dean, its committees and the Chair, Department of Architecture and will make recommendations.


The Faculty will operate within the University Statutes and Regulations. In particular Statute X, Clause 14 requires that the Faculty advise Council on :

(i) all matters relating to degrees, diplomas and academic matters it offers;

(ii) all questions relating to the entry requirements for persons wishing to undertake courses within it and the standing and progress of students enrolled in the courses; and

(iii) its academic goals and priorities.

3.1 The Faculty Board

There shall be a Faculty Board composed of the following members

(a) Ex Officio members: The Chancellor; the Deputy Chancellors; the Vice-Chancellor; the Convener of the Education Committee; the Deans of the Faculties of Arts, Engineering, Law and Science, or their deputies; the Professor of Architecture; the Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering or nominee; full-time staff members of the Department of Architecture of the status of lecturer A or above; and the President of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects (South Australian Chapter).

(b) Appointed members: (i) Such persons, not exceeding nine in number, as the Faculty may recommend and the Council approve; (ii) such other persons, being members of the Council and not exceeding two in number, as the Council may appoint.

(c) Elected members: (i) Two undergraduate students elected by the undergraduate students enrolled in the Faculty in accordance with election procedures drawn up from time to time and approved by the Faculty; and (ii) one postgraduate student elected by the postgraduate students enrolled in the Faculty of in accordance with election procedures drawn up from time to time and approved by the Faculty.

Management of the Faculty is vested in the Dean as area manager who will be elected from amongst the members of the Faculty Board in accordance with the statutes Chapter X, Clause 15. Appendix A sets out the responsibilities of the Dean.

There shall be elected up to two (2) Associate Deans.

Committees of the Faculty Board shall be established to advise on:

- Budget Matters

- Curriculum

- Higher Degree & Research Matters

- Student Selection

- Student Review

- Occupational Health & Safety

- Appointments and Promotions

The Faculty Appointments Committee and Faculty Promotions Committee shall be convened as and when required.

There shall be a Faculty Registrar and a Faculty Secretary.

The teaching and research activities of the Faculty will be administered by the Department of Architecture.


The academic programme follows from the teaching and research mission and strategies of the Faculty and is consistent with the resources within the Area.

During the period 1993 to 1995 the total student load (DEET funded) for existing undergraduate and research degrees is planned to increase from 210 to 220. (This excludes extra EFTSU's which may be obtained associated with the introduction of new postgraduate teaching programmes.)

4.1 Subject Areas covered by the Faculty

The subject areas covered by the Faculty are the theory and practice of architecture and urban design, (ie. the built environment and its relation to people, processes and artefacts and their relationship to the natural environment), and includes aspects of art, history and social and environmental sciences.

4.2 Undergraduate Courses

The Faculty will maintain its present two-tier model of undergraduate education with an initial degree with core subjects centred on built environment design issues but allowing student choice outside this core (Bachelor of Architectural Studies) and a second degree which develops a student's capabilities as a potential practising architect and which will satisfy the educational requirements for entry into the profession of Architecture (Bachelor of Architecture).

The present student numbers in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies will be increased by a small number and student numbers Bachelor of Architecture degrees will be maintained, but:

(1) more students will be encouraged to take 'second majors' in other Faculties during the Bachelor of Architectural Studies degree with the long-term aim that no more than 50% choose to apply for entry to the BArch degree; and

(2) the Bachelor of Architectural Studies subjects available to students outside the Faculty will be promoted with the aim to increase the number of students taking these subjects.

(3) the concentrated graduate nature of the Bachelor of Architecture degree will be exploited further with the long-term aim that at least 30% enter without a 'built environment' first degree by undertaking qualifying studies.

(4) the Honours programs in both Bachelor degrees will continue to be promoted

It is anticipated that the total student EFTSU's derived from undergraduate programmes should increase from 195 in 1993 to 203 by 1995 due mainly to increased promotion of BArchStudies honours programmes.

Year 1993 1995

Undergraduate Bachelor Courses 173 175

Honours 18 23

Non-award/transfers etc 4 4

TOTAL 195 202

The Faculty's Curriculum committee will monitor and make recommendations regarding student enrolments in the two Bachelor Degrees and (when deemed necessary) subject quotas.

4.3 Postgraduate Programmes - Research

The Faculty will offer and promote the existing courses which lead to Postgraduate degrees by research. These are:

Master of Architecture

Master of Architectural Studies

Master of Building Science

The present Master of Planning will be replaced by a Master of Urban Design.

EFTSU's derived from postgraduate research programmes are expected to increase from 15 in 1993 to 18 in 1995.

The Faculty's Higher Degree and Research Matters committee will monitor and report on postgraduate student progress.

4.4 Proposed Teaching Developments

The Faculty has expressed a wish to develop a number of initiatives aimed at mounting Postgraduate degrees by coursework. These will be full fee paying degrees.

Within budgetary, staff, accommodation and facilities constraints the Faculty will work towards:

(a) Introducing a Graduate Certificate/Diploma in Architecture and Urban Design.

Objective: To provide a one-year course of professional development which will give graduates the detailed knowledge necessary to work with and provide advice to government, designers, builders, developers, building owners etc on current and prospective methods relating to selected areas such as:-

computer-aided architectural design

computer-aided urban design

energy implications of building design

design of buildings for fire safety

The structure of courses of study will comprise a number of modules, each of which will involve a distance learning component followed by an Adelaide residential instruction component. The emphasis will be on problem-based teaching and learning.

The Faculty will continue to develop the following programme proposals but their implementation are contingent on commitments from units outside the Faculty.

(b) Contributing to Graduate education in Urban Design, in conjunction with the University of South Australia

Objective: To contribute in selected areas of expertise to the education of professional planners and urban designers.

(c) Introducing a graduate degree in Landscape Architecture, with contributions from the Centre for Environmental Studies and other sections of The University of Adelaide and in cooperation with the University of South Australia.

Objective: To provide a course for independent professionals emphasising landscape architecture for "dry land" areas with strong urban and environmental management strengths.

(The Faculty will seek an additional 10 DEET funded EFTSU's to enable this initiative to proceed)

(d) Introducing a Graduate Certificate/Diploma in Landscape Design.

Objective: To provide a one-year course of professional development which will give graduates the detailed knowledge necessary to extend their professional competence in the area of landscape

The Faculty's Curriculum committee will investigate these proposed teaching developments and make recommendations to the Faculty Board.


The embracing title for the Faculty's research area is Theory and Design of the Built Environment . This is intended to be interpreted in a wide sense, encompassing the critical analysis of current and past design and its reporting as well as the modelling and proposing of design. Some current areas under this title are:

Alternative building contracts.

Chinese architecture and garden design.

Computer-aided architectural and urban design.


Feminism and architecture.

Fire and smoke in buildings.


The interaction of the built environment and its users.

Urban design.

Roman theatres.

Thermal performance and preference in buildings.

The Faculty will continue to allocate budget lines to research support including Minor Research Grants to encourage new staff and to provide seeding funds for new research programmes.

The Faculty's Higher Degree & Research Matters committee will establish criteria for research quality control. It will monitor progress and report regularly to the Faculty Board.


6.1 Income Projections

6.2 Expenditure Projections

6.2.1 Salaries

6.2.2 Non-Salaries

As a "high tech" Faculty which has only been funded at "low tech" values the Faculty has for some years had to face the problems of reducing funding by not filling academic posts in order to maintain the non-salaries costs of the Faculty's expenditure.

6.3 Capital Funding Projections

In the last three years the Faculty has developed its Computer-Aided Design studio, participated in the upgrading of the CATS facilities, expanded the information technology resources for staff and students, and provided additional offices for postgraduate students. The Faculty wishes to continue to upgrade its accommodation and equipment to match its current research and teaching needs and has planned for this work. However, severe financial constraints preclude major developments at this stage. The Faculty will explore means of undertaking these projects.


Implementation of this Strategic Plan can be carried out within the existing pattern of operation of the Faculty Board, its Committees and staff.

7.1 Teaching and Research

The Faculty will monitor and support the implementation within the Department of Architecture of annual performance monitoring and evaluation in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, research, consulting and service to the professions and the community.

The Faculty Board will receive from the Head, Department of Architecture, regular overview reports on teaching and research matters, quality assessments and other activities within the Department.

The Faculty will monitor and support the Department of Architecture's involvement in performance evaluation for course accreditation for entry into the profession of architecture and other external evaluation as deemed appropriate in consultation with the Department and the University.

7.2 Alumni Association Chapter

The recently formed Faculty Alumni Association Chapter will be supported. An occasional Faculty/Alumni Chapter newsletter will be published to report on current achievements and activities within the Faculty and of its Graduates.

7.3 Reporting

The Dean will report to the Faculty Board at the end of each year on the implementation of the Strategic Plan.


Meetings of the Faculty Board shall be convened at the direction of the Dean or in other circumstances set out in the Statutes of the University.

The Dean shall carry out such duties as described in Statue Chapter X, Clause 16 and responsibilities as described in the document Statement of Responsibilities of Elected Deans as set out below.

The Dean with advice from the Faculty Board and its committees will :

* Implement the Strategic Plan of the Faculty

* Contribute to University Governance

* Monitor and review activities of Department(s)

* Liaise with other Faculties, University administration, other tertiary institutions, Professional bodies, Schools, and the community to foster the Mission of the Faculty

* Administer Faculty regulations concerning courses offered at undergraduate and postgraduate levels (and liaise with Board of Graduate Studies in case of research degrees)

* Make recommendations on Curriculum matters to Council.

* Manage students' matters including Selection, Enrolment, setting Quotas for various degrees and subjects, and monitor students undertaking postgraduate degrees.

* Allocate Faculty research grants.

* Administer Faculty Scholarships, Prizes and Awards.

* Monitor and provide services to full-fee paying students.

* Liaise with Schools to attract prospective new students, advertise courses to encourage new students, especially overseas students.

* Convene Faculty Appointments Committees.

* Administer responsibilities under relevant O.H. & S. legislation.

* Administer staff matters such as general staff promotions, workers' insurance, long service leave.

* Manage Faculty Staff including Faculty Registrar and Faculty Secretary.

* Monitor graduates and liaise with Alumni Association.