hide random home http://www.byte.com/art/9507/sec7/art5.htm (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

July 1995 / Special Report / Hello, World Home Articles Benchmarks Information Resources VPR

ArticlesTwo for the Highway

PartitionMagic for OS/2,

$129.95 from

PowerQuest Corp.,

(801) 226-8977;

fax (801) 226-8941

Finally, a partition editor for the 1990s. OS/2 users will love the ability to convert a FAT (file allocation table) volume to HPFS (High Performance File System) in place. But the real magic is that you can grow and move partitions, whether you're running DOS, OS/2, Windows 95, NT, or all of these at once. In the age of gigabyte IDE drives, almost everyone needs a better FDISK.

HTML Sourcebook
by Ian S. Graham,
John Wiley and Sons,
ISBN 0-471-11849-4, $29.95

This is the best of the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) cookbooks I've seen so far. It includes sound advice; authoritative coverage of HTML 2.0; extensive lists of servers, browsers, and tools on all major platforms; and case studies of real-world Web development.

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