(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Previously featured...
In his monthly Code Talk column, programming ace and BYTEmark developer Rick Grehan highlights software tools. Here are some of his longer pieces: Port Mac Apps to the PowerPC (June 1994), BYTE's New Benchmarks (March 1995), Casting Arrays (July 1995), and Let's Get Small (October 1995).
One of Tom Halfhill's enduring fascinations has been the evolving x86 architecture. Here's some of his best x86 analysis: 80x86 Wars (June 1994), AMD vs Superman (November 1994), The Truth Behind the Pentium Bug (March 1995), and the April 1995 cover story, Intel's P6.
Our Mac authority, Tom Thompson has been tracking the development of Copland, Apple's next-generation OS. Follow his trail: June 1995: Apple's New Operating System, July 1995: Copland, The Abstract Mac OS.
Our April 1995 Special Report on Client/Server Computing continues to attract a lot of attention. Document Repositories, by veteran Notes developer Jonathan Mackenzie, has received an unusually large number of hits. You'll also want to check out Intergalactic Client/Server Computing and Client/Server with Distributed Objects by client/server gurus Bob Orfali, Dan Harkey, and Jeri Edwards.