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Disclaimer Notice

Last Edited: Thu Jan 25 10:49:34 1996 by jnw (Joseph N. Wilson) on aviator.cis.ufl.edu

This HTTP server is run by the Computer & Information Science & Engineering Department of the University of Florida for general use.

In order to maximize the currency and completeness of the information presented here, many people are permitted to access and alter various portions of the information presented by this server. Thus, we make no guarantees as to the currency, accuracy, or quality of information stored here. If misleading or otherwise inappropriate information is brought to our attention, a reasonable effort will be made to fix or remove it. Such concerns should be addressed to the author of the material (if known), or consult@cis.ufl.edu if attempts to contact the author of the material prove unsatisfactory.

Information provided by user home pages or by links to other servers is not under editorial control of the CISE Department and such information does not reflect official information or opinions of the State of Florida, University of Florida, or its Computer & Information Science & Engineering Department.

All transactions on this server are being monitored and logged into a publicly readable file (it's more for debugging possible server problems and measuring popularity of various services.)

UF CIS Systems Staff