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Academic Information

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* Undergraduate Courses
Course calendar descriptions and course outlines for all courses required for civil and environmental engineering degrees, as well as additional course material for a few courses.

* Graduate Courses
Course calendar descriptions and course outlines for all courses, as well as additional course materials for a few courses.

* Graduate Studies and Research
Specific information about the Graduate program, abstracts of all recent theses, as well as a few complete theses.

* The Faculty
Information about faculty members in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carleton. You can also search the campus phone book.

* The Students
Information about students at Carleton University. From here, you can find students that are in the Civil and Environmental Engineering program at Carleton.

Last updated: Fri Aug 11 09:51:46 EDT 1995 by IVZ, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
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