Currently, a project for a Henri Tudor musem is in preparati
Henri Owen Tudor (1859-1928)
What follows is a quick summary of his life, and his achievements :
Luxembourg and
the birth place of Henri Owen TUDOR, ROSPORT.
... in the same year, the French physicist GASTON PLANTE invents the lead electrical accumulator plate, which never actually leaves the state of instrumental prototype because of an elaboration of plates too long and expensive.
During his studies, he already shows great interest in electrical engineering, and in particular in the developing scientific fields of electrical lighting and electrical engine power. After his graduation, he follows conferences given by PLANTE and FAURE in Paris on electrical accumulators.
First accumulator plates conceived in 1881 by Henri TUDOR.
Four years after the production of the first viable incandescent lamp, 3 years before the Rothschild's castle in Ferrieres and 7 before the royal castle of Windsor, the TUDOR family benefits of a complete electrical lighting installation, which gives constant light round the clock. The old castle of ROSPORT was most certainly one of the first private houses in Europe, if not the first, to have a complete hydro-electrical power station working continuously.
To produce the equipment necessary for this contract, the TUDOR brothers open with their cousin Nikolas SCHALKENBACH a small factory in ROSPORT.
Group of workers of the ROSPORT factory with the different models of the TUDOR
battery at their feet.
This marks the beginning of the industrial production of the TUDOR ACCUMULATOR. The first contract of ECHTERNACH brings many others. But success becomes quickly overwhelming for the small ROSPORT factory which has too many drawbacks : too high custom dues for the importation of lead and the exportation of the finished products, bad geographical situation, difficulties in shipping the finished batteries... Henri TUDOR therefore creates companies for the development of electrical public illumination first in Belgium and France, then in other european countries of which Germany and England.
1890: More than 1200 TUDOR storage batteries can be found around the world, in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Finland, France, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
1928: Mai 31st, death oh Henri Owen TUDOR.
The number of employees who work on TUDOR products reaches 25000.
Henri TUDOR , in spite of his big success and his extraordinary achievements, stayed a calm and modest man. Until his death, although physically diminished by the lead contamination, he stayed very active, always ready to solve a new technical problem, his mind lucid as ever.